subroutine addfield(cgrib,lcgrib,ipdsnum,ipdstmpl,ipdstmplen, & coordlist,numcoord,idrsnum,idrstmpl, & idrstmplen,fld,ngrdpts,ibmap,bmap,ierr) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: addfield ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-02 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine packs up Sections 4 through 7 for a given field ! and adds them to a GRIB2 message. They are Product Definition Section, ! Data Representation Section, Bit-Map Section and Data Section, ! respectively. ! This routine is used with routines "gribcreate", "addlocal", "addgrid", ! and "gribend" to create a complete GRIB2 message. Subroutine ! gribcreate must be called first to initialize a new GRIB2 message. ! Also, subroutine addgrid must be called after gribcreate and ! before this routine to add the appropriate grid description to ! the GRIB2 message. Also, a call to gribend is required to complete ! GRIB2 message after all fields have been added. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-02 Gilbert ! 2002-12-17 Gilbert - Added support for new templates using ! PNG and JPEG2000 algorithms/templates. ! 2004-06-22 Gilbert - Added check to determine if packing algorithm failed. ! ! USAGE: CALL addfield(cgrib,lcgrib,ipdsnum,ipdstmpl,ipdstmplen, ! coordlist,numcoord,idrsnum,idrstmpl, ! idrstmplen,fld,ngrdpts,ibmap,bmap,ierr) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! cgrib - Character array to contain the GRIB2 message ! lcgrib - Maximum length (bytes) of array cgrib. ! ipdsnum - Product Definition Template Number ( see Code Table 4.0) ! ipdstmpl - Contains the data values for the specified Product Definition ! Template ( N=ipdsnum ). Each element of this integer ! array contains an entry (in the order specified) of Product ! Defintion Template 4.N ! ipdstmplen - Max dimension of ipdstmpl() ! coordlist- Array containg floating point values intended to document ! the vertical discretisation associated to model data ! on hybrid coordinate vertical levels. ! numcoord - number of values in array coordlist. ! idrsnum - Data Representation Template Number ( see Code Table 5.0 ) ! idrstmpl - Contains the data values for the specified Data Representation ! Template ( N=idrsnum ). Each element of this integer ! array contains an entry (in the order specified) of Data ! Representation Template 5.N ! Note that some values in this template (eg. reference ! values, number of bits, etc...) may be changed by the ! data packing algorithms. ! Use this to specify scaling factors and order of ! spatial differencing, if desired. ! idrstmplen - Max dimension of idrstmpl() ! fld() - Array of data points to pack. ! ngrdpts - Number of data points in grid. ! i.e. size of fld and bmap. ! ibmap - Bitmap indicator ( see Code Table 6.0 ) ! 0 = bitmap applies and is included in Section 6. ! 1-253 = Predefined bitmap applies ! 254 = Previously defined bitmap applies to this field ! 255 = Bit map does not apply to this product. ! bmap() - Logical*1 array containing bitmap to be added. ! ( if ibmap=0 or ibmap=254) ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! cgrib - Character array to contain the GRIB2 message ! ierr - Error return code. ! 0 = no error ! 1 = GRIB message was not initialized. Need to call ! routine gribcreate first. ! 2 = GRIB message already complete. Cannot add new section. ! 3 = Sum of Section byte counts does not add to total ! byte count. ! 4 = Previous Section was not 3 or 7. ! 5 = Could not find requested Product Definition Template. ! 6 = Section 3 (GDS) not previously defined in message ! 7 = Tried to use unsupported Data Representationi Template ! 8 = Specified use of a previously defined bitmap, but one ! does not exist in the GRIB message. ! 9 = GDT of one of 5.50 through 5.53 required to pack ! using DRT 5.51 ! 10 = Error packing data field. ! ! REMARKS: Note that the Local Use Section ( Section 2 ) can only follow ! Section 1 or Section 7 in a GRIB2 message. ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ use pdstemplates use drstemplates character(len=1),intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib) integer,intent(in) :: ipdsnum,ipdstmpl(*) integer,intent(in) :: idrsnum,numcoord,ipdstmplen,idrstmplen integer,intent(in) :: lcgrib,ngrdpts,ibmap real,intent(in) :: coordlist(numcoord) real,target,intent(in) :: fld(ngrdpts) integer,intent(out) :: ierr integer,intent(inout) :: idrstmpl(*) logical*1,intent(in) :: bmap(ngrdpts) character(len=4),parameter :: grib='GRIB',c7777='7777' character(len=4):: ctemp character(len=1),allocatable :: cpack(:) real,pointer,dimension(:) :: pfld real(4) :: coordieee(numcoord),re00 integer(4) :: ire00,allones integer :: mappds(ipdstmplen),intbmap(ngrdpts),mapdrs(idrstmplen) integer,parameter :: zero=0,one=1,four=4,five=5,six=6,seven=7 integer,parameter :: minsize=50000 integer iofst,ibeg,lencurr,len,mappdslen,mapdrslen,lpos3 integer width,height,ndpts integer lensec3,lensec4,lensec5,lensec6,lensec7 logical issec3,needext,isprevbmap ierr=0 do jj=0,31 allones=ibset(allones,jj) enddo ! ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists ! ctemp=cgrib(1)//cgrib(2)//cgrib(3)//cgrib(4) if ( ) then print *,'addfield: GRIB not found in given message.' print *,'addfield: Call to routine gribcreate required', & ' to initialize GRIB messge.' ierr=1 return endif ! ! Get current length of GRIB message ! call gbyte(cgrib,lencurr,96,32) ! ! Check to see if GRIB message is already complete ! ctemp=cgrib(lencurr-3)//cgrib(lencurr-2)//cgrib(lencurr-1) & //cgrib(lencurr) if ( ctemp.eq.c7777 ) then print *,'addfield: GRIB message already complete. Cannot', & ' add new section.' ierr=2 return endif ! ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to ! find the last section number. ! issec3=.false. isprevbmap=.false. len=16 ! length of Section 0 do ! Get number and length of next section iofst=len*8 call gbyte(cgrib,ilen,iofst,32) iofst=iofst+32 call gbyte(cgrib,isecnum,iofst,8) iofst=iofst+8 ! Check if previous Section 3 exists and save location of ! the section 3 in case needed later. if (isecnum.eq.3) then issec3=.true. lpos3=len+1 lensec3=ilen endif ! Check if a previous defined bitmap exists if (isecnum.eq.6) then call gbyte(cgrib,ibmprev,iofst,8) iofst=iofst+8 if (( isprevbmap=.true. endif len=len+ilen ! Exit loop if last section reached if ( len.eq.lencurr ) exit ! If byte count for each section does not match current ! total length, then there is a problem. if ( ) then print *,'addfield: Section byte counts don''t add to total.' print *,'addfield: Sum of section byte counts = ',len print *,'addfield: Total byte count in Section 0 = ',lencurr ierr=3 return endif enddo ! ! Sections 4 through 7 can only be added after section 3 or 7. ! if ( ( .and. ( ) then print *,'addfield: Sections 4-7 can only be added after', & ' Section 3 or 7.' print *,'addfield: Section ',isecnum,' was the last found in', & ' given GRIB message.' ierr=4 return ! ! Sections 4 through 7 can only be added if section 3 was previously defined. ! elseif (.not.issec3) then print *,'addfield: Sections 4-7 can only be added if Section', & ' 3 was previously included.' print *,'addfield: Section 3 was not found in', & ' given GRIB message.' print *,'addfield: Call to routine addgrid required', & ' to specify Grid definition.' ierr=6 return endif ! ! Add Section 4 - Product Definition Section ! ibeg=lencurr*8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 4 iofst=ibeg+32 ! leave space for length of section call sbyte(cgrib,four,iofst,8) ! Store section number ( 4 ) iofst=iofst+8 call sbyte(cgrib,numcoord,iofst,16) ! Store num of coordinate values iofst=iofst+16 call sbyte(cgrib,ipdsnum,iofst,16) ! Store Prod Def Template num. iofst=iofst+16 ! ! Get Product Definition Template ! call getpdstemplate(ipdsnum,mappdslen,mappds,needext,iret) if ( then ierr=5 return endif ! ! Extend the Product Definition Template, if necessary. ! The number of values in a specific template may vary ! depending on data specified in the "static" part of the ! template. ! if ( needext ) then call extpdstemplate(ipdsnum,ipdstmpl,mappdslen,mappds) endif ! ! Pack up each input value in array ipdstmpl into the ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in ! corresponding entries in array mappds. ! do i=1,mappdslen nbits=iabs(mappds(i))*8 if ( (mappds(i).ge.0).or.(ipdstmpl(i).ge.0) ) then call sbyte(cgrib,ipdstmpl(i),iofst,nbits) else call sbyte(cgrib,one,iofst,1) call sbyte(cgrib,iabs(ipdstmpl(i)),iofst+1,nbits-1) endif iofst=iofst+nbits enddo ! ! Add Optional list of vertical coordinate values ! after the Product Definition Template, if necessary. ! if ( numcoord .ne. 0 ) then call mkieee(coordlist,coordieee,numcoord) call sbytes(cgrib,coordieee,iofst,32,0,numcoord) iofst=iofst+(32*numcoord) endif ! ! Calculate length of section 4 and store it in octets ! 1-4 of section 4. ! lensec4=(iofst-ibeg)/8 call sbyte(cgrib,lensec4,ibeg,32) ! ! Pack Data using appropriate algorithm ! ! ! Get Data Representation Template ! call getdrstemplate(idrsnum,mapdrslen,mapdrs,needext,iret) if ( then ierr=5 return endif ! ! contract data field, removing data at invalid grid points, ! if bit-map is provided with field. ! if ( ibmap.eq.0 .OR. ibmap.eq.254 ) then allocate(pfld(ngrdpts)) ndpts=0; do jj=1,ngrdpts intbmap(jj)=0 if ( bmap(jj) ) then intbmap(jj)=1 ndpts=ndpts+1 pfld(ndpts)=fld(jj); endif enddo else ndpts=ngrdpts; pfld=>fld; endif lcpack=0 nsize=ndpts*4 if (nsize .lt. minsize) nsize=minsize allocate(cpack(nsize),stat=istat) if (idrsnum.eq.0) then ! Simple Packing call simpack(pfld,ndpts,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) elseif (idrsnum.eq.2.or.idrsnum.eq.3) then ! Complex Packing call cmplxpack(pfld,ndpts,idrsnum,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) elseif (idrsnum.eq.50) then ! Sperical Harmonic Simple Packing call simpack(pfld(2),ndpts-1,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) call mkieee(real(pfld(1)),re00,1) ! ensure RE(0,0) value is IEEE format !call gbyte(re00,idrstmpl(5),0,32) ire00=transfer(re00,ire00) idrstmpl(5)=ire00 elseif (idrsnum.eq.51) then ! Sperical Harmonic Complex Packing call getpoly(cgrib(lpos3),lensec3,jj,kk,mm) if ( .AND. .AND. then call specpack(pfld,ndpts,jj,kk,mm,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) else print *,'addfield: Cannot pack DRT 5.51.' ierr=9 return endif elseif (idrsnum.eq.40 .OR. idrsnum.eq.40000) then ! JPEG2000 encoding if (ibmap.eq.255) then call getdim(cgrib(lpos3),lensec3,width,height,iscan) if ( width.eq.0 .OR. height.eq.0 ) then width=ndpts height=1 elseif ( width.eq.allones .OR. height.eq.allones ) then width=ndpts height=1 elseif ( ibits(iscan,5,1) .eq. 1) then ! Scanning mode: bit 3 itemp=width width=height height=itemp endif else width=ndpts height=1 endif lcpack=nsize call jpcpack(pfld,width,height,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) elseif (idrsnum.eq.41 .OR. idrsnum.eq.40010) then ! PNG encoding if (ibmap.eq.255) then call getdim(cgrib(lpos3),lensec3,width,height,iscan) if ( width.eq.0 .OR. height.eq.0 ) then width=ndpts height=1 elseif ( width.eq.allones .OR. height.eq.allones ) then width=ndpts height=1 elseif ( ibits(iscan,5,1) .eq. 1) then ! Scanning mode: bit 3 itemp=width width=height height=itemp endif else width=ndpts height=1 endif call pngpack(pfld,width,height,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack) else print *,'addfield: Data Representation Template 5.',idrsnum, * ' not yet implemented.' ierr=7 return endif if ( ibmap.eq.0 .OR. ibmap.eq.254 ) then deallocate(pfld) endif if ( lcpack .lt. 0 ) then if( allocated(cpack) )deallocate(cpack) ierr=10 return endif ! ! Add Section 5 - Data Representation Section ! ibeg=iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 5 iofst=ibeg+32 ! leave space for length of section call sbyte(cgrib,five,iofst,8) ! Store section number ( 5 ) iofst=iofst+8 call sbyte(cgrib,ndpts,iofst,32) ! Store num of actual data points iofst=iofst+32 call sbyte(cgrib,idrsnum,iofst,16) ! Store Data Repr. Template num. iofst=iofst+16 ! ! Pack up each input value in array idrstmpl into the ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in ! corresponding entries in array mapdrs. ! do i=1,mapdrslen nbits=iabs(mapdrs(i))*8 if ( (mapdrs(i).ge.0).or.(idrstmpl(i).ge.0) ) then call sbyte(cgrib,idrstmpl(i),iofst,nbits) else call sbyte(cgrib,one,iofst,1) call sbyte(cgrib,iabs(idrstmpl(i)),iofst+1,nbits-1) endif iofst=iofst+nbits enddo ! ! Calculate length of section 5 and store it in octets ! 1-4 of section 5. ! lensec5=(iofst-ibeg)/8 call sbyte(cgrib,lensec5,ibeg,32) ! ! Add Section 6 - Bit-Map Section ! ibeg=iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 6 iofst=ibeg+32 ! leave space for length of section call sbyte(cgrib,six,iofst,8) ! Store section number ( 6 ) iofst=iofst+8 call sbyte(cgrib,ibmap,iofst,8) ! Store Bit Map indicator iofst=iofst+8 ! ! Store bitmap, if supplied ! if (ibmap.eq.0) then call sbytes(cgrib,intbmap,iofst,1,0,ngrdpts) ! Store BitMap iofst=iofst+ngrdpts endif ! ! If specifying a previously defined bit-map, make sure ! one already exists in the current GRIB message. ! if ((ibmap.eq.254).and.(.not.isprevbmap)) then print *,'addfield: Requested previously defined bitmap, ', & ' but one does not exist in the current GRIB message.' ierr=8 return endif ! ! Calculate length of section 6 and store it in octets ! 1-4 of section 6. Pad to end of octect, if necessary. ! left=8-mod(iofst,8) if ( then call sbyte(cgrib,zero,iofst,left) ! Pad with zeros to fill Octet iofst=iofst+left endif lensec6=(iofst-ibeg)/8 call sbyte(cgrib,lensec6,ibeg,32) ! ! Add Section 7 - Data Section ! ibeg=iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 7 iofst=ibeg+32 ! leave space for length of section call sbyte(cgrib,seven,iofst,8) ! Store section number ( 7 ) iofst=iofst+8 ! Store Packed Binary Data values, if non-constant field if ( then ioctet=iofst/8 cgrib(ioctet+1:ioctet+lcpack)=cpack(1:lcpack) iofst=iofst+(8*lcpack) endif ! ! Calculate length of section 7 and store it in octets ! 1-4 of section 7. ! lensec7=(iofst-ibeg)/8 call sbyte(cgrib,lensec7,ibeg,32) if( allocated(cpack) )deallocate(cpack) ! ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0 ! newlen=lencurr+lensec4+lensec5+lensec6+lensec7 call sbyte(cgrib,newlen,96,32) return end