module drstemplates !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! MODULE: drstemplates ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2001-04-03 ! ! ABSTRACT: This Fortran Module contains info on all the available ! GRIB2 Data Representation Templates used in Section 5 (DRS). ! Each Template has three parts: The number of entries in the template ! (mapgridlen); A map of the template (mapgrid), which contains the ! number of octets in which to pack each of the template values; and ! a logical value (needext) that indicates whether the Template needs ! to be extended. In some cases the number of entries in a template ! can vary depending upon values specified in the "static" part of ! the template. ( See Template 5.1 as an example ) ! ! This module also contains two subroutines. Subroutine getdrstemplate ! returns the octet map for a specified Template number, and ! subroutine extdrstemplate will calculate the extended octet map ! of an appropriate template given values for the "static" part of the ! template. See docblocks below for the arguments and usage of these ! routines. ! ! NOTE: Array mapgrid contains the number of octets in which the ! corresponding template values will be stored. A negative value in ! mapgrid is used to indicate that the corresponding template entry can ! contain negative values. This information is used later when packing ! (or unpacking) the template data values. Negative data values in GRIB ! are stored with the left most bit set to one, and a negative number ! of octets value in mapgrid() indicates that this possibility should ! be considered. The number of octets used to store the data value ! in this case would be the absolute value of the negative value in ! mapgrid(). ! ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-11 Gilbert ! 2002-12-11 Gilbert - Added templates for JPEG2000 and PNG encoding ! ! USAGE: use drstemplates ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ integer,parameter :: MAXLEN=200,MAXTEMP=9 type drstemplate integer :: template_num integer :: mapdrslen integer,dimension(MAXLEN) :: mapdrs logical :: needext end type drstemplate type(drstemplate),dimension(MAXTEMP) :: templates data templates(1)%template_num /0/ ! Simple Packing data templates(1)%mapdrslen /5/ data templates(1)%needext /.false./ data (templates(1)%mapdrs(j),j=1,5) & /4,-2,-2,1,1/ data templates(2)%template_num /2/ ! Complex Packing data templates(2)%mapdrslen /16/ data templates(2)%needext /.false./ data (templates(2)%mapdrs(j),j=1,16) & /4,-2,-2,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,1,1,4,1,4,1/ data templates(3)%template_num /3/ ! Complex Packing - Spatial Diff data templates(3)%mapdrslen /18/ data templates(3)%needext /.false./ data (templates(3)%mapdrs(j),j=1,18) & /4,-2,-2,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,1,1,4,1,4,1,1,1/ data templates(4)%template_num /50/ ! Simple Packing - Spectral Data data templates(4)%mapdrslen /5/ data templates(4)%needext /.false./ data (templates(4)%mapdrs(j),j=1,5) & /4,-2,-2,1,4/ data templates(5)%template_num /51/ ! Complex Packing - Spectral Data data templates(5)%mapdrslen /10/ data templates(5)%needext /.false./ data (templates(5)%mapdrs(j),j=1,10) & /4,-2,-2,1,-4,2,2,2,4,1/ data templates(6)%template_num /40000/ ! JPEG2000 Encoding data templates(6)%mapdrslen /7/ data templates(6)%needext /.false./ data (templates(6)%mapdrs(j),j=1,7) & /4,-2,-2,1,1,1,1/ data templates(7)%template_num /40010/ ! PNG Encoding data templates(7)%mapdrslen /5/ data templates(7)%needext /.false./ data (templates(7)%mapdrs(j),j=1,5) & /4,-2,-2,1,1/ data templates(8)%template_num /40/ ! JPEG2000 Encoding data templates(8)%mapdrslen /7/ data templates(8)%needext /.false./ data (templates(8)%mapdrs(j),j=1,7) & /4,-2,-2,1,1,1,1/ data templates(9)%template_num /41/ ! PNG Encoding data templates(9)%mapdrslen /5/ data templates(9)%needext /.false./ data (templates(9)%mapdrs(j),j=1,5) & /4,-2,-2,1,1/ ! data templates(5)%template_num /1/ ! Simple Packing - Matrix ! data templates(5)%mapdrslen /15/ ! data templates(5)%needext /.true./ ! data (templates(5)%mapdrs(j),j=1,15) ! & /4,-2,-2,1,1,1,4,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1/ contains integer function getdrsindex(number) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: getdrsindex ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2001-06-28 ! ! ABSTRACT: This function returns the index of specified Data ! Representation Template 5.NN (NN=number) in array templates. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2001-06-28 Gilbert ! ! USAGE: index=getdrsindex(number) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! number - NN, indicating the number of the Data Representation ! Template 5.NN that is being requested. ! ! RETURNS: Index of DRT 5.NN in array templates, if template exists. ! = -1, otherwise. ! ! REMARKS: None ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ integer,intent(in) :: number getdrsindex=-1 do j=1,MAXTEMP if (number.eq.templates(j)%template_num) then getdrsindex=j return endif enddo end function subroutine getdrstemplate(number,nummap,map,needext,iret) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: getdrstemplate ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-11 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine returns DRS template information for a ! specified Data Representation Template 5.NN. ! The number of entries in the template is returned along with a map ! of the number of octets occupied by each entry. Also, a flag is ! returned to indicate whether the template would need to be extended. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-11 Gilbert ! ! USAGE: CALL getdrstemplate(number,nummap,map,needext,iret) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! number - NN, indicating the number of the Data Representation ! Template 5.NN that is being requested. ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! nummap - Number of entries in the Template ! map() - An array containing the number of octets that each ! template entry occupies when packed up into the DRS. ! needext - Logical variable indicating whether the Data Representation ! Template has to be extended. ! ierr - Error return code. ! 0 = no error ! 1 = Undefined Data Representation Template number. ! ! REMARKS: None ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ integer,intent(in) :: number integer,intent(out) :: nummap,map(*),iret logical,intent(out) :: needext iret=0 index=getdrsindex(number) if ( then nummap=templates(index)%mapdrslen needext=templates(index)%needext map(1:nummap)=templates(index)%mapdrs(1:nummap) else nummap=0 needext=.false. print *,'getdrstemplate: DRS Template ',number, & ' not defined.' iret=1 endif end subroutine subroutine extdrstemplate(number,list,nummap,map) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: extdrstemplate ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-11 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine generates the remaining octet map for a ! given Data Representation Template, if required. Some Templates can ! vary depending on data values given in an earlier part of the ! Template, and it is necessary to know some of the earlier entry ! values to generate the full octet map of the Template. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-11 Gilbert ! ! USAGE: CALL extdrstemplate(number,list,nummap,map) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! number - NN, indicating the number of the Data Representation ! Template 5.NN that is being requested. ! list() - The list of values for each entry in the ! the Data Representation Template 5.NN. ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! nummap - Number of entries in the Template ! map() - An array containing the number of octets that each ! template entry occupies when packed up into the GDS. ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ integer,intent(in) :: number,list(*) integer,intent(out) :: nummap,map(*) index=getdrsindex(number) if (index.eq.-1) return if ( .not. templates(index)%needext ) return nummap=templates(index)%mapdrslen map(1:nummap)=templates(index)%mapdrs(1:nummap) if ( number.eq.1 ) then N=list(11)+list(13) do i=1,N map(nummap+i)=4 enddo nummap=nummap+N endif end subroutine end module