subroutine gf_unpack4(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ipdsnum,ipdstmpl, & mappdslen,coordlist,numcoord,ierr) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: gf_unpack4 ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-26 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine unpacks Section 4 (Product Definition Section) ! starting at octet 6 of that Section. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-26 Gilbert ! 2002-01-24 Gilbert - Changed to dynamically allocate arrays ! and to pass pointers to those arrays through ! the argument list. ! ! USAGE: CALL gf_unpack4(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ipdsnum,ipdstmpl,mappdslen, ! & coordlist,numcoord,ierr) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! cgrib - Character array that contains the GRIB2 message ! lcgrib - Length (in bytes) of GRIB message array cgrib. ! iofst - Bit offset of the beginning of Section 4. ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! iofst - Bit offset of the end of Section 4, returned. ! ipdsnum - Product Definition Template Number ( see Code Table 4.0) ! ipdstmpl - Pointer to integer array containing the data values for ! the specified Product Definition ! Template ( N=ipdsnum ). Each element of this integer ! array contains an entry (in the order specified) of Product ! Defintion Template 4.N ! mappdslen- Number of elements in ipdstmpl(). i.e. number of entries ! in Product Defintion Template 4.N ( N=ipdsnum ). ! coordlist- Pointer to real array containing floating point values ! intended to document ! the vertical discretisation associated to model data ! on hybrid coordinate vertical levels. (part of Section 4) ! numcoord - number of values in array coordlist. ! ierr - Error return code. ! 0 = no error ! 5 = "GRIB" message contains an undefined Product Definition ! Template. ! 6 = memory allocation error ! ! REMARKS: Uses Fortran 90 module pdstemplates and module re_alloc. ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ use pdstemplates use re_alloc ! needed for subroutine realloc character(len=1),intent(in) :: cgrib(lcgrib) integer,intent(in) :: lcgrib integer,intent(inout) :: iofst real,pointer,dimension(:) :: coordlist integer,pointer,dimension(:) :: ipdstmpl integer,intent(out) :: ipdsnum integer,intent(out) :: ierr,numcoord real(4),allocatable :: coordieee(:) integer,allocatable :: mappds(:) integer :: mappdslen logical needext ierr=0 nullify(ipdstmpl,coordlist) call gbyte(cgrib,lensec,iofst,32) ! Get Length of Section iofst=iofst+32 iofst=iofst+8 ! skip section number allocate(mappds(lensec)) call gbyte(cgrib,numcoord,iofst,16) ! Get num of coordinate values iofst=iofst+16 call gbyte(cgrib,ipdsnum,iofst,16) ! Get Prod. Def Template num. iofst=iofst+16 ! Get Product Definition Template call getpdstemplate(ipdsnum,mappdslen,mappds,needext,iret) if ( then ierr=5 if( allocated(mappds) ) deallocate(mappds) return endif ! ! Unpack each value into array ipdstmpl from the ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in ! corresponding entries in array mappds. ! istat=0 if ( allocate(ipdstmpl(mappdslen),stat=istat) if ( then ierr=6 nullify(ipdstmpl) if( allocated(mappds) ) deallocate(mappds) return endif do i=1,mappdslen nbits=iabs(mappds(i))*8 if ( mappds(i).ge.0 ) then call gbyte(cgrib,ipdstmpl(i),iofst,nbits) else call gbyte(cgrib,isign,iofst,1) call gbyte(cgrib,ipdstmpl(i),iofst+1,nbits-1) if (isign.eq.1) ipdstmpl(i)=-ipdstmpl(i) endif iofst=iofst+nbits enddo ! ! Check to see if the Product Definition Template needs to be ! extended. ! The number of values in a specific template may vary ! depending on data specified in the "static" part of the ! template. ! if ( needext ) then call extpdstemplate(ipdsnum,ipdstmpl,newmappdslen,mappds) call realloc(ipdstmpl,mappdslen,newmappdslen,istat) ! Unpack the rest of the Product Definition Template do i=mappdslen+1,newmappdslen nbits=iabs(mappds(i))*8 if ( mappds(i).ge.0 ) then call gbyte(cgrib,ipdstmpl(i),iofst,nbits) else call gbyte(cgrib,isign,iofst,1) call gbyte(cgrib,ipdstmpl(i),iofst+1,nbits-1) if (isign.eq.1) ipdstmpl(i)=-ipdstmpl(i) endif iofst=iofst+nbits enddo mappdslen=newmappdslen endif if( allocated(mappds) ) deallocate(mappds) ! ! Get Optional list of vertical coordinate values ! after the Product Definition Template, if necessary. ! nullify(coordlist) if ( numcoord .ne. 0 ) then allocate (coordieee(numcoord),stat=istat1) allocate(coordlist(numcoord),stat=istat) if ((istat1+istat).ne.0) then ierr=6 nullify(coordlist) if( allocated(coordieee) ) deallocate(coordieee) return endif call gbytes(cgrib,coordieee,iofst,32,0,numcoord) call rdieee(coordieee,coordlist,numcoord) deallocate (coordieee) iofst=iofst+(32*numcoord) endif return ! End of Section 4 processing end