subroutine gf_unpack6(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ngpts,ibmap,bmap,ierr) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: gf_unpack6 ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-05-26 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine unpacks Section 6 (Bit-Map Section) ! starting at octet 6 of that Section. ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-05-26 Gilbert ! 2002-01-24 Gilbert - Changed to dynamically allocate arrays ! and to pass pointers to those arrays through ! the argument list. ! ! USAGE: CALL gf_unpack6(cgrib,lcgrib,iofst,ngpts,ibmap,bmap,ierr) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! cgrib - Character array that contains the GRIB2 message ! lcgrib - Length (in bytes) of GRIB message array cgrib. ! iofst - Bit offset of the beginning of Section 6. ! ngpts - Number of grid points specified in the bit-map ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! iofst - Bit offset at the end of Section 6, returned. ! ibmap - Bitmap indicator ( see Code Table 6.0 ) ! 0 = bitmap applies and is included in Section 6. ! 1-253 = Predefined bitmap applies ! 254 = Previously defined bitmap applies to this field ! 255 = Bit map does not apply to this product. ! bmap() - Pointer to a logical*1 array containing decoded bitmap. ! ( if ibmap=0 ) ! ierr - Error return code. ! 0 = no error ! 4 = Unrecognized pre-defined bit-map. ! 6 = memory allocation error ! ! REMARKS: None ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ character(len=1),intent(in) :: cgrib(lcgrib) integer,intent(in) :: lcgrib,ngpts integer,intent(inout) :: iofst integer,intent(out) :: ibmap integer,intent(out) :: ierr logical*1,pointer,dimension(:) :: bmap integer :: intbmap(ngpts) ierr=0 nullify(bmap) iofst=iofst+32 ! skip Length of Section iofst=iofst+8 ! skip section number call gbyte(cgrib,ibmap,iofst,8) ! Get bit-map indicator iofst=iofst+8 if (ibmap.eq.0) then ! Unpack bitmap istat=0 if ( allocate(bmap(ngpts),stat=istat) if ( then ierr=6 nullify(bmap) return endif call gbytes(cgrib,intbmap,iofst,1,0,ngpts) iofst=iofst+ngpts do j=1,ngpts bmap(j)=.true. if (intbmap(j).eq.0) bmap(j)=.false. enddo ! elseif (ibmap.eq.254) then ! Use previous bitmap ! return ! elseif (ibmap.eq.255) then ! No bitmap in message ! bmap(1:ngpts)=.true. ! else ! print *,'gf_unpack6: Predefined bitmap ',ibmap,' not recognized.' ! ierr=4 endif return ! End of Section 6 processing end