subroutine amap ( w, im, jm, label, cinti, base ) c**********************************************************************c c a paper map shading routine for an 'a' grid c c w = data dimension im*jm c c label = char*32 label c c cinti = contour interval ( will pick one if 0 ) c c base = base value for countours c c**********************************************************************c parameter ( ncol=72, nrow=40 ) dimension w(1) character*1 blk, print(ncol), ctbl(20) character*(*) label logical oprt data blk/' '/, ctbl/'0',' ','1',' ','2',' ','3',' ' . ,'4',' ','5',' ','6',' ','7' . ,' ','8',' ','9',' '/ data c1/1./, p5/.5/, c0/0.0/, c1e5/1.e5/ data spval/-1.e35/, spp/-9.e34/ data oprt/.true./ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( .not.oprt ) return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c calculate addition grid paramters cint = cinti cncol = ncol-c1 cnrow = nrow-c1 imjm=im*jm rjs=1. rjf=jm ris=1. rif=im c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c determine number of valid points to use c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln = imjm c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find maximum and minimum of field c----------------------------------------------------------------------- wmin = -spval wmax = spval do 45 n = 1 , ln if ( w(n) .lt. wmin ) then wmin = w(n) nmin = n elseif ( w(n) .gt. wmax ) then wmax = w(n) nmax = n endif 45 continue c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c change contour interval if number of contours > 40 or < 2 c or calculate contour interval if zero was specified c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( cint .gt. 1.e-10 ) then ncont = ( wmax - wmin ) / cint if ( .or. ) then cint = ( wmax - wmin ) / 10. endif else cint = ( wmax - wmin ) / 10. endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c print heading with label, max, min, cint, and base c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( wmax .ne. wmin ) then if ( max(wmax,abs(wmin)).ge.c1e5 . .or. min(wmax,abs(wmin)).lt.c1) then write(6,1) label, wmax, nmax, wmin, nmin, cint, base 1 format(1h0,a32,/,' max=',1p,e10.2,' at',i10,' min=' . ,e10.2,' at',i10,' cint=',e10.2,' base=',e10.2) else write(6,2) label, wmax, nmax, wmin, nmin, cint, base 2 format(1h0,a32,/,' max=',f10.2,' at',i10,' min=' . ,f10.2,' at',i10,' cint=',f10.2,' base=',f10.2) endif else c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c have a constant field write(6,3) label, wmax, nmax, wmin, nmin, cint, base 3 format(1h0,a32,/,' max=',f10.2,' at',i10,' min=',f10.2 . ,' at',i10,' cint=',f10.2,' base=',f10.2) return endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c main loop for printing rows c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c assume (1,1) at lower left hand corner do 80 j=nrow, 1, -1 c fill in column printing array with blanks do 50 i = 1 , ncol 50 print(i) = blk c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c main loop columns c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 60 i = 1 , ncol c determine the x and y index for each point on the page x = ris+(rif-c1)*(i-c1)/cncol y = rjs+(rjf-c1)*(j-c1)/cnrow ibl = ifix(x) jbl = ifix(y) c determine k index in 1 dimensional space for interpolation k = ibl + im*(jbl-1) c determine interpolation factors rf = x - ibl qf = y - jbl c get the values of the lahm field at the diamond corner points. kbl=k kbr=k+1 ktl=kbl+im ktr=kbr+im pbl=spval pbr=spval ptl=spval ptr=spval if ( .and. kbl.le.ln ) pbl = w(kbl) if ( .and. kbr.le.ln ) pbr = w(kbr) if ( .and. ktl.le.ln ) ptl = w(ktl) if ( .and. ktr.le.ln ) ptr = w(ktr) c determine which points have valid data nspp=0 if ( .or. nspp=1 if ( .or. nspp=nspp+2 if ( .or. nspp=nspp+4 if ( .or. nspp=nspp+8 c perform bilinear interpolation to the x-y gridpoint. c all points valid if ( nspp.eq.0 ) then z = (c1-rf)*(c1-qf)*pbl + rf*(c1-qf)*pbr . +(c1-rf)* qf *ptl + rf* qf *ptr else c missing more than 1 point z = spval print(i) = '*' go to 60 endif c determine what number to print at this location miq = mod ( int ( abs(z-base)/cint ) , 20 ) n = miq+1 if ( ) n = 20 - miq print(i) = ctbl(n) c determine if near max/min point if ( kbl.eq.nmax .or. kbr.eq.nmax .or. ktl.eq.nmax . .or. ktr.eq.nmax ) print(i) = 'x' if ( kbl.eq.nmin .or. kbr.eq.nmin .or. ktl.eq.nmin . .or. ktr.eq.nmin ) print(i) = 'n' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c end of column loop c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 continue c print out this row write(6,70) (print(k),k=1,ncol) 70 format (1x,131a1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c end of row loop c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 continue return end