subroutine dryadj ( t, pd, pt, len, icnt, len3, dsg, sgml, lm ) c c**********************************************************************c c c c ********** dry convective adjustment ********** c c c c input: dsg(l), pd(i), sgml(l), pt, t(i,l), rn c c c c*********************************************************************** c c c dry adiabatic adjustment of unstable atmospheric layers in the model c c original non-vectorized version c c c c**********************************************************************c c include 'lmax.h' c dimension dsg(lm), sgml(lm) dimension papai(lmax), rdsd(lmax) dimension t(len3,lm), pd(len) c logical drca c data rn/3.e-3/ c c*********************************************************************** c if ( ) then print *,'**** lm gt lmax in dryadj ****' stop 'lmax' endif c lmm1=lm-1 do 100 l=1,lmm1 rdsd(l)=dsg(l)/dsg(l+1) 100 continue c c....................................................................... c c main horizontal loop c do 230 i=1,len c c....................................................................... c pdij=pd(i) c do 451 l=1,lm 451 papai(l)=(pt+sgml(l)*pdij)**(-.2858964143) c 232 drca=.false. pplp1=papai(1) c do 231 l=1,lmm1 c ppl=pplp1 pplp1=papai(l+1) thl=t(i,l)*ppl thlp1=t(i,l+1)*pplp1 dth=thlp1-thl c if ( ) then c dtl=dth/(ppl+pplp1*rdsd(l)) dtlp1=-dtl*rdsd(l) t(i,l)=t(i,l)+dtl t(i,l+1)=t(i,l+1)+dtlp1 drca=.true. icnt=icnt+1 c endif c 231 continue c if (drca) go to 232 c c....................................................................... c c end of horizontal loop c 230 continue c c....................................................................... c return end