subroutine lconset(ds) common/mapproj/du,tanl,rnml,stl1,stl2 common/lconther/ther c rotate added to do S. Pole properly Wed 11-30-1994 c this is because usually increasing j goes northwards, but not so for c S. Pole polar stereographic c rewritten completely by jlm August 1993 & May 1995 for SH & NH (lamb.for) c it is cleaned up, & expects -ve latitudes for S. Hem. c tanl with proper sign is latitude where j=1 c du is i value along standard longitude rnml c all colatitudes from pi/2, so need sign=-1. for SH c this subroutine converts the grid coordinates ri,rj of a point to its c latitude (rlat) and longitude (rlong) or vice versa. c Lambert conformal projection is used. c stl1,stl2 standard latitudes -ve for S. Hem. c ds length of grid unit(m) at standard latitudes c rearth radius of earth(m) data pi/3.1415926536/,rearth/6371.22e3/,cfact/1.45444e-4/,sign/1./ save c e.g. gu=137.057, du=19.76, tanl=-60.2, stl1=-40., stl2=-10., rnml=130. cjlm use chi for colatitudes in radians print *,'lconset ds,du,tanl,rnml,stl1,stl2' print *,ds,du,tanl,rnml,stl1,stl2 pole=.5*pi if(.5*(stl1+stl2).lt.0.)sign=-1. ! decides which hemisphere rotate=1. if( ! for grid over S. pole chi1=pole-sign*stl1*pi/180. chi2=pole-sign*stl2*pi/180. if(stl1.eq.stl2)then rk=1. rmult=(1.+cos(chi1)) *rearth/ds else rk=log(sin(chi1)/sin(chi2))/log(tan(.5*chi1)/tan(.5*chi2)) ! i.e. K rmult=sin(chi1)*tan(.5*chi1)**(-rk) *rearth/(ds*rk) endif chiref2=.5*(pole-sign*tanl*pi/180.) refj=1.+rotate*sign*rmult*tan(chiref2)**rk c print *,'chi1,chi2,chiref2,rmult,refj,rk ' c . ,chi1,chi2,chiref2,rmult,refj,rk return entry lconij(rlong,rlat,ri,rj) theta=rk*(rlong-rnml) ther=theta*pi/180. chion2=.5*(pole-sign*rlat*pi/180.) c print *,'chion2,tan(chion2) ',chion2,tan(chion2) r=rmult*tan(chion2)**rk rj=refj-sign*r*cos(ther)*rotate ! Wed 11-30-1994 c rj=refj-sign*r*cos(ther) ri=du+r*sin(ther)*rotate ! Wed 11-30-1994 return entry lconll(rlong,rlat,ri,rj) ther=atan2( ri-du,rotate*sign*(refj-rj) ) ! Sun 05-07-1995 rlong=rnml+rotate*ther*180./(pi*rk) if( c print *,'rmult,rk,ther,refj-rj ',rmult,rk,ther,refj-rj c print *,'cos(ther),rlong ',cos(ther),rlong c print *,'ratio ',(rj-refj)/(rmult*cos(ther)) chion2= sign*atan( (-rotate*sign*(rj-refj)/ . (rmult*cos(ther)))**(1./rk) ) !OK 1,3 rlat=(sign*pole-2.*chion2)*180./pi ! Sun 05-07-1995 return entry mapff ( rlat, facmap, coriol ) chi=pole-sign*rlat*pi/180. c print *,'rk = ',rk if(rk.eq.1.)then facmap=(1.+cos(chi1))/(1.+cos(chi)) ! i.e. for polar stereographic else term1=sin(chi1)/sin(chi) term2=(tan(.5*chi)/tan(.5*chi1))**rk facmap=term1*term2 endif coriol = sign*cfact*cos(chi) return end c include 'maxmin.f' c include 'setxyz.f' c include 'staguv.f' c include 'jimcc.f'