subroutine sintp16(gdat,ng1,ng2,rdat,glon,glat,odiag,il) use latlong_m logical odiag,opdiag ! assumes that you have already called lconset(ds) ! needs lconset routine. ! the gdat grid is dimensioned ng1 by ng2 ! with first data point at 0 deg lon, 90 deg N lat ****** LH coord system!! ! southern lats are negative integer il,jl,ifull real gdat(ng1*ng2),glon(ng1),glat(ng2) real rdat(6*il*il) jl=6*il ifull=il*jl !include 'latlong.h' ! rlat,rlong if(odiag)write(6,'(72("="))') if(odiag)write(6,*)"sintp16 g(1),ng1,ng2,il,jl=" if(odiag)write(6,*) gdat(1),ng1,ng2,il,jl if(odiag)write(6,*)"glon(1,ng1/2,ng1)=" & ,glon(i),glon(ng1/2),glon(ng1) if(odiag)write(6,*)"glat(1,ng2/2,ng2)=" & ,glat(i),glat(ng2/2),glat(ng2) if(odiag)write(6,*) "il,jl,ifull=",il,jl,ifull if(odiag)write(6,*) "rlong(1/ifull)=",rlong(1),rlong(ifull) if(odiag)write(6,*) "rlat(1/ifull)=",rlat(1),rlat(ifull) gdx=-1.e29 gdn=1.e29 do j=1,ng2 do i=1,ng1 iq=i+(j-1)*ng1 gdn=min(gdn,gdat(iq)) gdx=max(gdx,gdat(iq)) enddo ! i=1,ng1 enddo ! j=1,ng2 write(6,*)'sintp16 gbl grid:gdn,gdx,ifull=',gdn,gdx,ifull dn=1.e29 dx=-1.e29 idiag=94 jdiag=280 idiag=-10 jdiag=-10 iqdiag=idiag+(jdiag-1)*il !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ! loop over all model grid points ! to interpolate from input grid to model grid do iq=1,ifull jmod=1+((iq-1)/il) imod=iq-(jmod-1)*il if(iq.eq.iqdiag)write(6,*)"iq,im,jm=",iq,imod,jmod !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ! compute x and y of model point in input grid space xlon=rlong(iq) if(rlong(iq).lt.0.)xlon=360.+rlong(iq) x=1.+(ng1-1)*(xlon-glon(1))/(glon(ng1)-glon(1)) if ( x .lt. 1 ) then x=x+float(ng1) endif if ( x .gt. ng1 ) then x=x-float(ng1) endif y=-999 ! default (no value) case do jg=1,ng2-1 jgp=jg+1 if(jgp.eq.ng2)then ! special case if at end of y grid inc=0 y=float(ng2-1)+(rlat(iq)-glat(ng2-1)) & /(glat(ng2)-glat(ng2-1)) elseif(glat(1).lt.glat(ng2))then ! glat incr./w j inc=1 if(rlat(iq).ge.glat(jg).and.rlat(iq).lt.glat(jgp))then y=float(jg)+(rlat(iq)-glat(jg))/(glat(jgp)-glat(jg)) go to 88 endif!(rlat(iq).gt.glat(jg))then else ! (glat(1).gt.glat(ng2))then ! glat decr./w j inc=-1 if(rlat(iq).ge.glat(jgp).and.rlat(iq).lt.glat(jg))then y=float(jg)+(rlat(iq)-glat(jg))/(glat(jgp)-glat(jg)) go to 88 endif!(rlat(iq).gt.glat(jg))then endif!(glat(1).gt.glat(ng2)then enddo ! jg=1,ng2-1 88 continue if ( ) stop if( then write(30,'("iq,i,j,xlon,rlat(iq),x,y=",3i5,4f10.2)') & iq,i,j,xlon,rlat(iq),x,y endif !*********************************************************************** ! acutal interpolation to a point*il opdiag=(jmod.eq.1.5*il) opdiag=imod.eq.idiag.and.jmod.eq.jdiag opdiag=.false. call intp16(gdat,ng1,ng2,x,y,rdat(iq),opdiag) !*********************************************************************** if (odiag.and.(imod.eq.idiag.and.jmod.eq.jdiag)) then write(6,*)"iq,imod,jmod=",iq,imod,jmod write(6,*)"xlon,rlong,rlat=",xlon,rlong(iq),rlat(iq) write(6,*)"jg,glon(jg),jgp",jg,glon(jg),glon(jgp) write(6,*)"inc,glat(jg),jgp",inc,glat(jg),glat(jgp) endif ! bilinear interp ! m=int(x) ! n=int(y) ! dx=x-m ! dy=y-n ! mn=m+(n-1)*ng1 ! mpn=m+1+(n-1)*ng1 ! mnp=m+(n-1+1)*ng1 ! mpnp=m+1+(n-1+1)*ng1 ! d1 = dx*gdat(mpn)+(1-dx)*gdat(mn) ! d2 = dx*gdat(mpnp)+(1-dx)*gdat(mnp) ! rdat(iq) = dy*d2+(1-dy)*d1 ! if(iq.eq.20+(70-1)*il)then ! write(6,*)"dx,dy,rdat(iq)",dx,dy,rdat(iq) ! write(6,*)"m,n,mn,mpn,mnp,mpnp",m,n,mn,mpn,mnp,mpnp ! write(6,*)"gdat(mpn),gdat(mn),gdat(mpnp),gdat(mnp)" ! write(6,*)gdat(mpn),gdat(mn),gdat(mpnp),gdat(mnp) ! endif ! ig=x ! jg=y ! ig1=ig+(jg-1)*ng1 ! ig2=ig+1+(jg-1)*ng1 ! ig3=ig+(jg-1+1)*ng1 ! ig4=ig+1+(jg-1+1)*ng1 ! write(30,'("ig,jg,gdat=",2i4,5f10.2)') ig,jg,gdat(ig1) ! & ,gdat(ig2),gdat(ig3),gdat(ig4),rdat(iq) ! endif ! call intp16(globex,ng1+2,ng2,rlong(iq),91.-rlat(iq), ! & rdat(iq),.true.) !*********************************************************************** ! prevent extremes greater than global data ??? rdat(iq)=min(gdx,max(gdn,rdat(iq))) dn=min(dn,rdat(iq)) dx=max(dx,rdat(iq)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 enddo ! iq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 print *,'sintp16 new grid:dn,dx=',dn,dx write(6,'(72("="))') return ! subroutine sintp16(gdat,ng1,ng2,rdat,odiag) end !======================================================================== subroutine intp16(globex,ng1,ng2,x,y,fine,opdiag) !********************************************************************** ! ! subroutine intp16 interpolates from globex gridpoints to lat-lon ! location specified by the main program, via a 16- point bessel ! interpolation scheme. interpolated ! lat/lon grid values are contained in the variable "fine" ! jlm: this is a quadratic fitting pts 2 & 3 & cubic value of centre point !********************************************************************** logical prnt,opdiag real globex(ng1,ng2) data prnt/.true./ prnt=.false. ! determine the interpolation distances. ! this is x direction values m=x if( m=ng1+m prnt=.true. endif mm1=m-1 if( mm1=ng1+mm1 prnt=.true. endif mp1=m+1 if( mp1=mp1-ng1 prnt=.true. endif mp2=m+2 if( mp2=mp2-ng1 prnt=.true. endif ! this code added 20 Nov 1998 ! assumes data has wrap around in e-w direction if( if( ! this is y direction values n=y if ( ) then n=1 else if ( ) then n=ng2 endif nm1=n-1 np1=n+1 np2=n+2 ! if ( prnt ) then ! write(6,*)'x,m,nm1,mp2=',x,mm1,m,mp1,mp2 ! write(6,*)'y,n,nm1,np2=',y,nm1,n,np1,np2 ! endif if ( .or. ) then if (opdiag) then print *,'n,m,nm1,np2,ng2=',n,m,nm1,np2,ng2 print *,'*********** n out of bounds in intp16 ***********' endif ! opdiag if ( ) nm1=1 if ( ) np1=ng2 if ( ) np2=ng2 endif dx=x-real(int(x)) dy=y-real(int(y)) dxx=.25*(dx-1.) dyy=.25*(dy-1.) if(opdiag)then write(6,*)x,m,dx,dxx write(6,*)y,n,dy,dyy endif ! determine the 16 x-y gridpoints, i.e. top11-top44, to be used ! for the interpolation. ! if(globex(mm1,nm1).gt.spval) ! top11 = globex(mm1,nm1) ! else ! top11 = -1.e10 ! endif ! if(globex(mm1,n).gt.spval) ! top12 = globex(mm1,n) ! else ! top12 = -1.e10 ! endif top11 = globex(mm1,nm1) top12 = globex(mm1,n ) top13 = globex(mm1,np1) top14 = globex(mm1,np2) top21 = globex(m ,nm1) top22 = globex(m ,n ) top23 = globex(m ,np1) top24 = globex(m ,np2) top31 = globex(mp1,nm1) top32 = globex(mp1,n ) top33 = globex(mp1,np1) top34 = globex(mp1,np2) top41 = globex(mp2,nm1) top42 = globex(mp2,n ) top43 = globex(mp2,np1) top44 = globex(mp2,np2) ! perform the 16-point interpolation. aa = top21 + dx*(top31-top21 + dxx*(top11-top21-top31+top41) ) ab = top22 + dx*(top32-top22 + dxx*(top12-top22-top32+top42) ) ac = top23 + dx*(top33-top23 + dxx*(top13-top23-top33+top43) ) ad = top24 + dx*(top34-top24 + dxx*(top14-top24-top34+top44) ) fine = ab + dy*(ac-ab + dyy*(aa-ab-ac+ad) ) if(opdiag)then write(6,111) m,n,dx,dy,dxx,dyy 111 format (1h ,5x,'(m,n)=',i3,',',i3,3x,'(dx,dy)=',f7.3,',',f7.3, . 3x,'(dxx,dyy)=',f7.3,',',f7.3) print *,'x,y: ',x,y write(6,122) top14,top24,top34,top44,top13,top23,top33,top43, . top12,top22,top32,top42,top11,top21,top31,top41 122 format (1h ,2x,'top11-top44=....',(/,15x,4f12.3) ) write(6,133) aa,ab,ac,ad,fine 133 format (1h ,2x,'aa=',f10.3,3x,'ab=',f10.3,3x,'ac=',f10.3,3x, . 'ad=',f10.3,7x,'fine=',f10.3,/) endif return end