[ Data format of surface observation from fixed land station ] 1. File name SY_yyyymmddhh.TXT (yyyy:year, mm:month, dd:day, hh:hour(UTC)) 2. File format * Text file with the ASCII code and tail of each line is a linefeed code. * In 1st line, data type and observation time (SYNOP yyyy/mm/dd hhZ) are included. * In 2nd line, only linefeed code is included. * In 3rd line, item names are included. * In 4th line, only linefeed code is included. * Following 5th line, observation data of each observatory is included (missing data is blank). 3. Example 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 ::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|:::: SYNOP 2009/07/08 00Z IIiii Lat Lon Hgt P dd/ff T Td V wwWW NnLMH aPP Station 29263 58.5N 92.2E 79 1014.6 00/0 15.5 14.1 51.0 70001 2+0.3 ENISEJSK 29282 58.4N 97.5E 133 1016.1 27/2 14.1 12.3 20.0 889XX 3+0.3 BOGUCANY 30157 58.3N 112.9E 224 1012.2 30/8 14.0 13.6 20.0 8022 889XX 3+1.7 MAMA 30252 57.8N 114.2E 249 1010.5 32/4 13.7 11.9 51.0 0282 889XX 1+0.2 MAMAKAN : : IIiii Station number Lat Latitude of station (degrees) Lon Longitude of station (degrees) Hgt Altitude of station (m) P Pressure at mean sea level (hPa) dd/ff Wind direction (tens of degrees) / Wind speed (kt) T Air temperature (degrees Celsius) Td Dew-point temperature (degrees Celsius) V Horizontal visibility (km) wwWW Present weather and past weather NnLMH Toatl cloud cover, amount of all the CL and cloud genus (CL,CM,CH) aPP Characteristic and amount of pressure tendency during the three hours (hPa) Station Name of station [ Data format of surface observation from sea station ] 1. File name SH_yyyymmddhh.TXT (yyyy:year, mm:month, dd:day, hh:hour(UTC)) 2. File format * Text file with the ASCII code and tail of each line is a linefeed code. * In 1st line, data type and observation time (SHIP yyyy/mm/dd hhZ) are included. * In 2nd line, only linefeed code is included. * In 3rd line, item names are included. * In 4th line, only linefeed code is included. * Following 5th line, observation data of each ship and buoy is included (missing data is blank). 3. Example 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 ::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+:::: SHIP 2009/07/08 00Z DDDDD Lat Lon P dd/ff T Td V wwWW NnLMH aPP Pw/Hw d1/P1/H1 d2/P2/H2 ICE 21639 31.2N 142.1E 1016.4 08/1.0 21708 22.4N 129.2E 1008.4 07/1.7 JLOV 57.1N 177.2E 1010.1 26/18 6.2 10.0 0222 885XX 2+1.2 31/09/2.0 SHIP 57.1N 177.2E 1010.1 26/18 6.2 10.0 0222 885XX 2+1.2 31/09/2.0 : : DDDD Ship's call sign or buoy number Lat Latitude of station (degrees) Lon Longitude of station (degrees) P Pressure at mean sea level (hPa) dd/ff Wind direction (tens of degrees) / Wind speed (kt) T Air temperature (degrees Celsius) Td Dew-point temperature (degrees Celsius) V Horizontal visibility (km) wwWW Present weather and past weather NnLMH Toatl cloud cover, amount of all the CL and cloud genus (CL,CM,CH) aPP Characteristic and amount of pressure tendency during the three hours (hPa) Pw/Hw Period of waves (second) / height of waves (m) d1/P1/H1 Direction from which swell waves are coming (tens of degrees), period (senconds) and height (m) of swell waves d2/P2/H2 Direction from which swell waves are coming (tens of degrees), period (senconds) and height (m) of swell waves ICE Type, rate and thickness (cm) of ice accretion on ships [ Data format of upper level observation ] 1. File name UA_yyyymmddhh.TXT (yyyy:year, mm:month, dd:day, hh:hour(UTC)) 2. File format * Text file with the ASCII code and tail of each line is a linefeed code. * In 1st line, data type and observation time (TEMPA/PILOTA yyyy/mm/dd hhZ) are included. * In 2nd line, only linefeed code is included. * In 3rd line, item names are included. * Following 4th line, observation data of each observatory is included (missing data is blank). 3. Example 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+:::: TTAA 47401 45.4N 141.7E 11 WAKKANAI No1 LV hhh T TTd dd ff SFC 10090 11.4 1.6 070 3 1000 87 10.8 4.6 140 4 : No2 P T TTd dd ff 158 -53.5 265 60 : No3 P dd ff 207 270 70 UUAA JCCX 30.4N 128.4E : PPAA 47412 43.0N 141.3E 26 SAPPORO No1 LV hhh T TTd dd ff 850 040 4 : No3 P dd ff 177 255 103 : QQAA JDWX 39.8N 142.3E : TTAA Part A of TEMP, Station number, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees), Altitude (m), Name of station UUAA Part A of TEMP SHIP, Call sign, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees) No1 Section 1 (Data for standard isobaric surfaces) LV Pressure of specified levels (hPa) hhh Geopotential of the standard isobaric surfaces in standard geopotential metres, pressure in tenths of a hectopascal if surface T Temperatue in degrees Celsius TTd Dew-point depression in degrees Celsius dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots No2 Section 2 (Data for tropopause levels) P Pressure in hectopascals T Temperatue in degrees Celsius TTd Dew-point depression in degrees Celsius dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots No3 Section 3 (Data for maximum wind levels and vertical wind shearj P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots PPAA Part A of PILOT, Staion number, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees), Altitude (m), Name of station QQAA Part A of PILOT SHIP, Call sign, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees) No1 Section 1 (Data for standard isobaric surfaces) LV Pressure of specified levels (hPa) dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots No3 Section 3 (Data for maximum wind levels and vertical wind shearj P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots [ Data format of upper level observation ] 1. File name UB_yyyymmddhh.TXT (yyyy:year, mm:month, dd:day, hh:hour(UTC)) 2. File format * Text file with the ASCII code and tail of each line is a linefeed code. * In 1st line, data type and observation time (TEMPB/PILOTB yyyy/mm/dd hhZ) are included. * In 2nd line, only linefeed code is included. * In 3rd line, item names are included. * Following 4th line, observation data of each observatory is included (missing data is blank). 3. Example 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+::::|::::+:::: TTBB 47401 45.4N 141.7E 11 WAKKANAI No1 P T TTd 1009 11.4 1.6 : No2 P dd ff 1009 070 3 : No3 P dd ff 900 305 6 UUBB JCCX 30.4N 128.4E : PPBB 47412 43.0N 141.3E 26 SAPPORO No2 P dd ff 1005 140 4 : No3 P dd ff 900 090 6 : QQBB JDWX 39.8N 142.3E : TTBB Part B of TEMP, Staion number, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees), Altitude (m), Name of station UUBB Part B of TEMP SHIP, Call sign, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees) No1 Section 1 (Data for significant levels, with respect to temperature and/or relative humidity) P Pressure in hectopascals T Temperatue in degrees Celsius TTd Dew-point depression in degrees Celsius No2 Section 2 (Data for significant levels, with respect to wind) P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots No3 Section 3 (Code groups to be developed nationally) P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots PPBB Part B of PILOT, Staion number, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees), Altitude (m), Name of station QQBB Part B of PILOT SHIP, Call sign, Latitude (degrees), Longitude (degrees) No2 Section 2 (Data for significant levels, with respect to wind) P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots No3 Section 3 (Code groups to be developed nationally) P Pressure in hectopascals dd True direction, in degrees, from which wind is blowing ff Wind speed in knots