Wind Profiler observation 10 minute value data


1. File Name

    YYYY : Year, MM : Month, DD : Day, HH : Hour

2. Contents

The 10 minute value observed by wind profiler of all stations at HH (hour) on DD (day)/MM (month)/YYYY (year) is included in this file.

3. File Format

Wind profiler data at the station of number ??001
Wind profiler data at the station of number ??999

4. Data Format

Binary format ( Little Endian )
The part of index ( information of the station, time, the number of layers observed) : fixed length
The part of observed value : unfixed length

Contents   Address( byte ) Length ( byte ) unit note
Information of the station Station number( upper 2 figures ) 1 2 1  
Station number( lower 3 figures) 3 2 1  
Latitude 5 2 0.01°  
Longitude 7 2 0.01°  
Altitude of the antenna 9 2 1m  
Time Year 11 2 1 4 figures
Month 13 2 1  
Day 15 2 1  
Hour(Local time) 17 2 1  
The numbers of layers observed at each time The numbers of layers observed at 00:10(Local time) 19 2 1 0--75
The numbers of layers observed at 00:20(Local time) 21 2 1 0--75


The numbers of layers observed at 00:50(Local time) 29 2 1 0--75
The numbers of layers observed at 01:00(Local time) 31 2 1 0--75

Observed value

--> Note 1 

00:10(Local time) 1st layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1 -->Note 2
Wind direction indefinite 2 -->Note 3
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB -->Note 4 
2nd layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  


??th layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  
00:20(Local time) 1st layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  
2nd layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  


??th layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  


01:00(Local time) 1st layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  
2nd layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  


??th layer Height above the antenna indefinite 2 1m  
Data quality indefinite 2 1  
Wind direction indefinite 2  
Wind Speed indefinite 2 1m/s  
Vertical Speed indefinite 2 0.1m/s  
Signal to noise ratio( at vertical beam) indefinite 2 1dB  

Note 1 : Observed values are not recorded when the number of observed layers is "0".

Note 2 : Data quality

0 Reliable ( it was judged "reliable" by the quality check)
1 Doubtful ( it was judged "doubtful "by the quality check)
2 No data

Note 3 : If there is no data, the value is replaced by "9999".
Note 4 : Even if the data exists, the "signal to noise ratio" sometimes dose not exist partially.

4. Station Information File

(1) Fiel name

   stn_idxyyyymm.csv or stn_idx.csv

(2) Contents

   The information of station observed even one time in yyyy-mm is recorded.

(3) Format

   Text (CSV) format

   The 1st and 2nd line record character strings that show elements of data. Elements of data doesn't depend on each date, and are invariable.
   The 3rd and following line record character strings that show the information data of each station.
   The length of these lines is unfixed.

   The information data is recorded in character string or numeric number (integer or decimal).

(The 1st line)

Station Number1,Station Number2,Latitude,Longitude,Altitude,
Station name1,Station name2



CR,LF code

(The 2nd line)





Title (unit)

CR,LF code

(The 3rd line)












Upper 2 figures of Station No.


Lower 3 figures of Station No.














Station name (english)


Station name (native)

CR,LF code