Installer [Gsetup] manual v1.53 for the satellite image viewer 'Gmslpw' 1.Function (1)Installing application programs as Gmslpw etc.. >Copying files are related with programs to a destination disk. >Registering program items in the start menu. >Relating extension file names with programs. >Pasting shortcuts on the desktop. (2)Uninstalling application programs as Gmslpw etc.. >Erasing files are related with programs on a destination disk. >Deleting program items in the start menu. >Releasing extension file names from programs. >Taking off shortcuts on the desktop. (3)Updating application programs as Gmslpw etc.. >Acquiring update information of programs. >Updating files are relatied with programs. 2.Startup Executing this program with a following file name. GSETUP.exe [-i | -i- | -u] [-v | -v-] [-aArticle file] [-bBrowser] [-eProgram] [-fInfo. file | -f-] [-rText file] [-sSource dir.] [Destination dir.] Parameter -i : installing.(default) -i- : uninstalling. -u : online updating. -v : controlling to install programs with version checking. -v- : not controlling to install programs with version checking.(default) -aArticle file : specifing a shortcut is pasted on the desktopc as 'Article file'. A character '@' is replaced by a source drive letter when 'Article file' is specified with a full path.(no default) -bBrowser : specifing the browser shows a text file as 'Browser' at installing.(default : related browser or the Notepad) -eProgram : specifing a application program is executed as 'Program' at quiting this.(no default) -fInfo. file : specifing a information file as 'Info. file' when you install and uninstall except Gmslpw or default. -f- : not using a information file. -rText file : specifing a text file is showed as 'Text file' at installing. A character '@' is replaced with a source drive letter when 'Article file' is specified with a full path.(default : Readme.txt on the startup directory) -sSource dir. : specifing a installing source directory as 'Source dir.'.(default : startup directory) Destination dir.: specifing a installing destination directory as 'Destination dir.'(default : '\Program Files\GMSLP' on system drive) Others for installing -c- : not creating shortcut icons. -m- : not registering in the start menu. -t- : not relating file types. -w- : not browsing a text file. 3.Operation (1)Install You turn a [Install] radio button on and specify a destination directory. Clicking a [OK] button starts installing programs. A [Text] button is turned to be enable if a text file is equipped. You can browse a document if clicking it opens the file. You may need to have administrator authority in order to finish installing programs. (2)Uninstall You turn a [Uninstall] radio button on and check a destination directory. Clicking a [OK] button starts uninstallating programs. You may need to have administrator authority in order to finish uninstalling programs. (3)Update You turn a [Update] radio button on and check a destination directory. Clicking a [OK] button starts updating programs. Operated PC needs to connect the internet. Clicking a [Proxy] of system menu sets address and port number of the proxy server if necessary. 4.Information file This setup program installs and uninstalls with a information file when a file 'Gsetup.inf' exists on a startup directory or it is specified with a parameter '-f'. Example)Information file for the Dvorak version viewer 'Gmslpd' ;Information file of Gmslpd installation [NAME] --------- GMSLPD, "GMS TC analysis" --------- program name, title [DIRC] SOURCE= --------- installing source directory DESTIN=\GMSLPD --------- installing destination directory [FILE] --------- GMSLPD.EXE, 1 --------- installing file name, flag GMSLPD.CHM, 1 flag : 1 --- always copy. GMSLPD.WAV, 0 0 --- copy if a file exists. GMSLPD.BMP, 0 -1 --- not copy. GMSLPD.INI, 0 STAINF.DAT, 0 STRING.DAT, 0 MSMAP2.DAT, 1 MSMAP9.DAT, 1 MSMAP30.DAT, 1 EXTMARK?.BMP, 0 IMGLIB.DLL, 1 DVORAK.CHM, 0 GSETUP.EXE, 0 GSETUP.INF, 0 [PROG] GMSLPD.EXE, "TC analysis Gmslpd" ------ registering command, title GMSLPD.HLP, "Gmslpd manual" [,icon, order] DVORAK.HLP, "Dvorak's method" GSETUP.EXE -U, "Update", GSETUP.EXE, 4 GSETUP.EXE -I-, "Uninstall", GSETUP.EXE, 5 [REGS] GMSLPD.EXE=.IDX, .ATC --------- program=related extension file name [LINK] GMSLPD.EXE, "Gmslpd" --------- shortcut of file, title @:\STUDY.ATC, "Study article", GSETUP.EXE, 1 [,icon, order] [EXEC] GMSLPD.EXE, @:\STUDY.ATC --------- program is executed at quiting [, command parameter] [UPDT] PRXY="" --------- address and port number for proxy server (if necessary) [PATH] --------- registry key name\characters=value SOFTWARE\JMA\LRIT\SAT_IMAGE_PATH=%DESTIN%\image SOFTWARE\JMA\LRIT\MET_DATA_PATH=%DESTIN%\data SOFTWARE\JMA\GMSLP\PATH=%DESTIN% @ --- This is replaced with a source drive letter. %SOURCE% --- This is replaced with a source directory name. %DESTIN% --- This is replaced with a destination directory name. 5.Autorun A text file 'Autorun.inf' must exist on a root directory of CD/DVD-ROM when you run the installer automatically. A sub-directory is specified as a relative path form root. example)'Autorun.inf' [autorun] OPEN=VIEWER\JPN\GSETUP.EXE -v ------- command executes a program ICON=VIEWER\JPN\GSETUP.EXE ------- icon is showed for CD/DVD-ROM (default icon if nothing) You need describe as following when you want to add items to the popup menu. Shell\GMSLPW = &Gmslpw --- menu item Shell\GMSLPW\Command = VIEWER\JPN\GMSLPW.EXE --- menu command Shell\BMPLPW = &Bmplpw Shell\BMPLPW\Command = VIEWER\JPN\BMPLPW.EXE 6.History Version 1.53 2015-06-23 >Correct that program files may not be uninstalled normally. >OS of system requirement is changed into Windows 7 or later. Version 1.52 2014-09-12 >Change as the OS not needs to be rebooted when program files are uninstalled and updated on the 64-bit OS. Version 1.51 2012-07-20 >Correct that this setup program may terminate abnormally after finishing update. Version 1.50 2010-11-04 >Change as relating files with program and creating shortcuts, etc. can be turned on/off before installation. >Change protocol is used for update into HTTP from FTP. >Change as a necessary proxy server for connecting the internet can be specified. >OS of system requirement is changed into Windows XP or later. Version 1.44 2008-11-14 >Correct that the file cannot be accessed if a blank character is included in its path name when the program was started by registered file types. Version 1.43 2008-10-20 >OS of system requirement is changed into Windows 98 or later according to upgrade of the application developer tool. >Change as installation is continued when other files that should be installed exist even if new version exists on a destination. Version 1.42 2001-02-01 >Correct the error that date and time of undated files are abnormal occasionally. >Change as you can specify a program is executed after installatin with a information file. Version 1.41 2000-12-01 >Change as you can specify user ID etc. for update server with a information file. >Add a function that you can enter various path names to the registry on Windows 95 or later. Version 1.40 2000-11-01 >Add an online update mode. >Change as you can specify a source directory on the system menu. Version 1.32 2000-04-01 >Correct the error that a setup program is unstable occasionally when a text file is showed with version check. Version 1.31 1999-07-01 >Add observatory and extra mark files to default installation files. >Correct the error that a destination directory is not created occasionally. >Change as you can specify directories is inclued space characters on Windows95 or later. Version 1.30 1999-02-01 >Add a push button for you can view a text file anytime. >Change as you can specify a icon is registered to the program manager. >Change as you can specify a shortcut icon is pasted on the desktop on Windows95 or later. Version 1.22 1998-12-01 >Change as you can specify a directory for showed text file. >Change as a text file is showed also with version check on Windows95 or later. Version 1.21 1998-11-01 >Add command parameters specify any text file can be showed. >Add command parameters specify the browser displays a text file. >Add command parameters specify version check on Windows95 or later. Version 1.20 1998-06-01 >Improve the setup program as a wide use by a information file. >Change as a setup program itself can be erased. >Add a fuction that a setup program is registered to 'installation and uninstallation of applications' on Windows95 or later. Version 1.10 1997-11-01 >Add command parameters specify a destination directory and a execution mode. >Change as a document 'README.TXT' is showed on installation. >Change as installation is not executed when new version exists on a destination. >Add a fuction that shortcuts are pasted on Windows95 or later. Version 1.05 1997-10-01 >Correct the error that startup is abnormal occasionally by a task bar position on Windows95 or later. >Add a command parameter specifies a source directory. >Add a fuction that programs are related with extension file names. Version 1.04 1997-05-01 >Correct the error that the execution progressing graph do not reach to 100% occasionally. >Improve the directory selection dialog box. >Add 'BMPLPW.WAV' and 'BMPLPW.BMP' to default installation files. Version 1.03 1997-03-01 >Correct the error that the execution progressing graph is displayed abnormally occasionally. >Change as a setup program and GID files are deleted on uninstallation. Version 1.02 1997-02-01 >Add a function that a destination directory is erased on uninstallation. >Change as a setup program is not installed. Version 1.01 1996-11-01 >Add a function that program items are registered and deleted on the program manager. Version 1.00 1996-08-01 official version