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Originally written by Hrvoje Niksic . REST failed, starting from scratch. --bind-address=ADDRESS bind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local host. --ca-certificate=FILE file with the bundle of CA's. --ca-directory=DIR directory where hash list of CA's is stored. --certificate-type=TYPE client certificate type, PEM or DER. --certificate=FILE client certificate file. --connect-timeout=SECS set the connect timeout to SECS. --cut-dirs=NUMBER ignore NUMBER remote directory components. --delete-after delete files locally after downloading them. --dns-timeout=SECS set the DNS lookup timeout to SECS. --egd-file=FILE file naming the EGD socket with random data. --exclude-domains=LIST comma-separated list of rejected domains. --follow-ftp follow FTP links from HTML documents. --follow-tags=LIST comma-separated list of followed HTML tags. --ftp-password=PASS set ftp password to PASS. --ftp-user=USER set ftp user to USER. --header=STRING insert STRING among the headers. --http-password=PASS set http password to PASS. --http-user=USER set http user to USER. --ignore-length ignore `Content-Length' header field. --ignore-tags=LIST comma-separated list of ignored HTML tags. --keep-session-cookies load and save session (non-permanent) cookies. --limit-rate=RATE limit download rate to RATE. --load-cookies=FILE load cookies from FILE before session. --no-cache disallow server-cached data. --no-check-certificate don't validate the server's certificate. --no-cookies don't use cookies. --no-dns-cache disable caching DNS lookups. --no-glob turn off FTP file name globbing. --no-http-keep-alive disable HTTP keep-alive (persistent connections). --no-passive-ftp disable the "passive" transfer mode. --no-proxy explicitly turn off proxy. --no-remove-listing don't remove `.listing' files. --password=PASS set both ftp and http password to PASS. --post-data=STRING use the POST method; send STRING as the data. --post-file=FILE use the POST method; send contents of FILE. --prefer-family=FAMILY connect first to addresses of specified family, one of IPv6, IPv4, or none. --preserve-permissions preserve remote file permissions. --private-key-type=TYPE private key type, PEM or DER. --private-key=FILE private key file. --progress=TYPE select progress gauge type. --protocol-directories use protocol name in directories. --proxy-password=PASS set PASS as proxy password. --proxy-user=USER set USER as proxy username. --random-file=FILE file with random data for seeding the SSL PRNG. --random-wait wait from 0...2*WAIT secs between retrievals. --read-timeout=SECS set the read timeout to SECS. --referer=URL include `Referer: URL' header in HTTP request. --restrict-file-names=OS restrict chars in file names to ones OS allows. --retr-symlinks when recursing, get linked-to files (not dir). --retry-connrefused retry even if connection is refused. --save-cookies=FILE save cookies to FILE after session. --save-headers save the HTTP headers to file. --secure-protocol=PR choose secure protocol, one of auto, SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1. --spider don't download anything. --strict-comments turn on strict (SGML) handling of HTML comments. --user=USER set both ftp and http user to USER. --waitretry=SECONDS wait 1..SECONDS between retries of a retrieval. -4, --inet4-only connect only to IPv4 addresses. -6, --inet6-only connect only to IPv6 addresses. -A, --accept=LIST comma-separated list of accepted extensions. -B, --base=URL prepends URL to relative links in -F -i file. -D, --domains=LIST comma-separated list of accepted domains. -E, --html-extension save HTML documents with `.html' extension. -F, --force-html treat input file as HTML. -H, --span-hosts go to foreign hosts when recursive. -I, --include-directories=LIST list of allowed directories. -K, --backup-converted before converting file X, back up as X.orig. -L, --relative follow relative links only. -N, --timestamping don't re-retrieve files unless newer than local. -O, --output-document=FILE write documents to FILE. -P, --directory-prefix=PREFIX save files to PREFIX/... -Q, --quota=NUMBER set retrieval quota to NUMBER. -R, --reject=LIST comma-separated list of rejected extensions. -S, --server-response print server response. -T, --timeout=SECONDS set all timeout values to SECONDS. -U, --user-agent=AGENT identify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION. -V, --version display the version of Wget and exit. -X, --exclude-directories=LIST list of excluded directories. -a, --append-output=FILE append messages to FILE. -b, --background go to background after startup. -c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloaded file. -d, --debug print lots of debugging information. -e, --execute=COMMAND execute a `.wgetrc'-style command. -h, --help print this help. -i, --input-file=FILE download URLs found in FILE. -k, --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML point to local files. -l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (inf or 0 for infinite). -m, --mirror shortcut for -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing. -nH, --no-host-directories don't create host directories. -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to existing files. -nd, --no-directories don't create directories. -np, --no-parent don't ascend to the parent directory. -nv, --no-verbose turn off verboseness, without being quiet. -o, --output-file=FILE log messages to FILE. -p, --page-requisites get all images, etc. needed to display HTML page. -q, --quiet quiet (no output). -r, --recursive specify recursive download. -t, --tries=NUMBER set number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits). -v, --verbose be verbose (this is the default). -w, --wait=SECONDS wait SECONDS between retrievals. -x, --force-directories force creation of directories. (%s bytes) (unauthoritative) [following]%d redirections exceeded. %s (%s) - Connection closed at byte %s. %s (%s) - Data connection: %s; %s (%s) - Read error at byte %s (%s).%s (%s) - Read error at byte %s/%s (%s). %s (%s) - `%s' saved [%s/%s] %s (%s) - `%s' saved [%s] %s ERROR %d: %s. %s has sprung into existence. %s request sent, awaiting response... %s: %s, closing control connection. %s: %s: Failed to allocate %ld bytes; memory exhausted. %s: %s: Invalid boolean `%s'; use `on' or `off'. %s: %s: Invalid byte value `%s' %s: %s: Invalid header `%s'. %s: %s: Invalid number `%s'. %s: %s: Invalid progress type `%s'. %s: %s: Invalid time period `%s' %s: %s: Invalid value `%s'. %s: %s:%d: unknown token "%s" %s: %s:%d: warning: "%s" token appears before any machine name %s: %s; disabling logging. %s: Cannot read %s (%s). %s: Cannot resolve incomplete link %s. %s: Couldn't find usable socket driver. %s: Error in %s at line %d. %s: Invalid --execute command `%s' %s: Invalid URL %s: %s %s: No certificate presented by %s. %s: Syntax error in %s at line %d. %s: Unknown command `%s' in %s at line %d. %s: WGETRC points to %s, which doesn't exist. %s: Warning: Both system and user wgetrc point to `%s'. %s: cannot stat %s: %s %s: certificate common name `%s' doesn't match requested host name `%s'. %s: corrupt time-stamp. %s: illegal option -- %c %s: illegal option -- `-n%c' %s: invalid option -- %c %s: missing URL %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: unable to resolve bind address `%s'; disabling bind. %s: unknown/unsupported file type. %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: unrecognized option `--%s' (no description)(try:%2d), %s (%s) remaining, %s remaining==> CWD not needed. ==> CWD not required. Already have correct symlink %s -> %s Authorization failed. Bad port numberBind error (%s). Can't be verbose and quiet at the same time. Can't timestamp and not clobber old files at the same time. Cannot back up %s as %s: %s Cannot convert links in %s: %s Cannot get REALTIME clock frequency: %s Cannot initiate PASV transfer. Cannot open %s: %sCannot open cookies file `%s': %s Cannot parse PASV response. Cannot specify both --inet4-only and --inet6-only. Cannot write to `%s' (%s). Connecting to %s:%d... Connecting to %s|%s|:%d... Continuing in background, pid %d. Continuing in background, pid %lu. Continuing in background. Control connection closed. Converting %s... Cookie coming from %s attempted to set domain to %s Could not seed PRNG; consider using --random-file. Creating symlink %s -> %s Data transfer aborted. Directories: Directory Disabling SSL due to encountered errors. Download: ERRORERROR: Redirection (%d) without location. Error closing `%s': %s Error in proxy URL %s: Must be HTTP. Error in server greeting. Error in server response, closing control connection. Error parsing proxy URL %s: %s. Error writing to `%s': %s FTP options: Failed reading proxy response: %s Failed to unlink symlink `%s': %s Failed writing HTTP request: %s. File File `%s' already there; not retrieving. File `%s' already there; not retrieving. GNU Wget %s, a non-interactive network retriever. Giving up. HTTP options: HTTPS (SSL/TLS) options: IPv6 addresses not supportedIndex of /%s on %s:%dInvalid IPv6 numeric addressInvalid PORT. Invalid dot style specification `%s'; leaving unchanged. Invalid host nameInvalid name of the symlink, skipping. Invalid user nameLast-modified header invalid -- time-stamp ignored. Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off. Length: Length: %sLink Loading robots.txt; please ignore errors. Location: %s%s Logged in! Logging and input file: Logging in as %s ... Login incorrect. Mail bug reports and suggestions to . Malformed status lineMandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. No URLs found in %s. No data received. No errorNo headers, assuming HTTP/0.9No matches on pattern `%s'. No such directory `%s'. No such file `%s'. No such file or directory `%s'. Not descending to `%s' as it is excluded/not-included. Not sure Output will be written to `%s'. POST data file `%s' missing: %s Proxy tunneling failed: %sRead error (%s) in headers. Recursion depth %d exceeded max. depth %d. Recursive accept/reject: Recursive download: Rejecting `%s'. Remote file is newer than local file `%s' -- retrieving. Remote file is newer, retrieving. Remote file no newer than local file `%s' -- not retrieving. Removed `%s'. Removing %s since it should be rejected. Removing %s. Resolving %s... Retrying. Reusing existing connection to %s:%d. Server error, can't determine system type. Server file no newer than local file `%s' -- not retrieving. Skipping directory `%s'. Startup: Symlinks not supported, skipping symlink `%s'. Syntax error in Set-Cookie: %s at position %d. Temporary failure in name resolutionThe server refuses login. The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving. The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving. To connect to %s insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'. Try `%s --help' for more options. Unable to delete `%s': %s Unable to establish SSL connection. Unknown authentication scheme. Unknown errorUnknown hostUnknown type `%c', closing control connection. Unsupported listing type, trying Unix listing parser. Unsupported schemeUnterminated IPv6 numeric addressUsage: %s NETRC [HOSTNAME] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [URL]... Using `%s' as listing tmp file. WARNINGWARNING: using a weak random seed. Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP. Will not retrieve dirs since depth is %d (max %d). Write failed, closing control connection. Wrote HTML-ized index to `%s' [%s]. Wrote HTML-ized index to `%s'. connected. couldn't connect to %s port %d: %s done. done. done. failed: %s. failed: No IPv4/IPv6 addresses for host. failed: timed out. ignorednothing to do. time unknown unspecifiedProject-Id-Version: wget 1.10.1-b1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-29 18:27-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-17 13:30+0800 Last-Translator: Abel Cheung Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 檔案早已下載完æˆï¼›ä¸æœƒé€²è¡Œä»»ä½•æ“作。 下載 %s 完畢,將輸出導å‘至‘%s’。 下載 %s 完畢。 最åˆç”± Hrvoje Niksic 編寫。 é‡è¨­ (REST) 失敗,需è¦é‡æ–°é–‹å§‹å‚³é€ã€‚ --bind-address=ä½å€ 使用本機的指定ä½å€ (主機å稱或 IP) 進行連線 --ca-certificate=檔案 載有憑證管ç†ä¸­å¿ƒ (CA) 簽章的檔案 --ca-directory=目錄 載有憑證管ç†ä¸­å¿ƒ (CA) 簽章的目錄 --certificate-type=é¡žåž‹ 用戶端憑證的類型,å¯ä»¥æ˜¯ PEM 或 DER --certificate=檔案 指定用戶端的憑證檔案å稱 --connect-timeout=秒數 æŒ‡å®šé€£ç·šæ™‚é™ --cut-dirs=數目 忽略é ç«¯ç›®éŒ„中指定<數目>的目錄層 --delete-after 刪除下載後的檔案 --dns-timeout=秒數 指定 DNS æŸ¥æ‰¾ä¸»æ©Ÿçš„æ™‚é™ --egd-file=檔案 產生隨機數據的 EGD socket 檔案å稱 --exclude-domains=清單 排除的網域,以逗號分隔 --follow-ftp 跟隨 HTML 文件中的 FTP éˆçµ --follow-tags=清單 會跟隨的 HTML 標籤,以逗號分隔 --ftp-password=密碼 設定 FTP 密碼 --ftp-user=用戶 指定 FTP 用戶å稱 --header=字串 在連線資料標頭中加入指定字串 --http-passwd=密碼 指定 HTTP 密碼 --http-user=用戶 指定 HTTP 用戶å稱 --ignore-length 忽略 ‘Content-Length’ æ¨™é ­æ¬„ä½ -G, --ignore-tags=清單 會忽略的 HTML 標籤,以逗號分隔 --keep-session-cookies 會載入和儲存暫時性的 cookie --limit-rate=速率 é™åˆ¶ä¸‹è¼‰é€ŸçŽ‡ --load-cookies=檔案 程å¼å•Ÿå‹•æ™‚由指定檔案載入 cookie --no-cache ä¸ä½¿ç”¨ä¼ºæœå™¨ä¸­çš„å¿«å–記憶資料 --no-check-certificate ä¸æª¢é©—伺æœå™¨çš„憑證 --no-cookies ä¸ä½¿ç”¨ cookie --no-dns-cache ä¸è¨˜æ†¶ DNS 查找主機的資料 --no-glob ä¸å±•é–‹æœ‰è¬ç”¨å­—元的 FTP 檔å --no-http-keep-alive ä¸ä½¿ç”¨ HTTP keep-alive (æŒä¹…性連線) --no-passive-ftp ä¸ä½¿ç”¨ã€Œè¢«å‹•ã€å‚³è¼¸æ¨¡å¼ --no-proxy ç¦æ­¢ä½¿ç”¨ä»£ç†ä¼ºæœå™¨ --no-remove-listing ä¸åˆªé™¤ ‘.listing’ 檔案 --password=PASS 指定 ftp å’Œ http 密碼 --post-data=字串 使用 POST æ–¹å¼é€å‡ºå­—串 --post-file=檔案 使用 POST æ–¹å¼é€å‡ºæª”案內容 --prefer-family=FAMILY 優先採用指定的ä½å€æ ¼å¼ï¼Œå¯ä»¥æ˜¯ IPv6ã€IPv4 或者 none --preserve-permissions 沿用é ç«¯æª”æ¡ˆçš„æ¬Šé™ --private-key-type=é¡žåž‹ ç§é‘°çš„類型,å¯ä»¥æ˜¯ PEM 或 DER --private-key=檔案 指定ç§é‘°æª”案 --progress=æ–¹å¼ é¸æ“‡ä¸‹è¼‰é€²åº¦çš„è¡¨ç¤ºæ–¹å¼ --protocol-directories 在目錄中加上通訊å”定å稱 --proxy-password=密碼 設定代ç†ä¼ºæœå™¨å¯†ç¢¼ --proxy-user=用戶 設定代ç†ä¼ºæœå™¨ç”¨æˆ¶å稱 --random-file=檔案 作為 SSL éš¨æ©Ÿæ•¸ç”¢ç”Ÿç¨‹åº (PRNG) 的來æºæ•¸æ“šæª”案 --random-wait æ¯æ¬¡ä¸‹è¼‰ä¹‹å‰éš¨æ©Ÿåœ°æŒ‡å®šç­‰å¾…的時間 --read-timeout=秒數 指定讀å–è³‡æ–™çš„æ™‚é™ --referer=URL 在 HTTP 請求中包括 ‘Referer: URL’ 標頭 --restrict-file-names=OS åªä½¿ç”¨ä½œæ¥­ç³»çµ±èƒ½å¤ æŽ¥å—的字元作為檔案字元 --retr-symlinks 在éžè¿´æ¨¡å¼ä¸­ï¼Œä¸‹è¼‰éˆçµæŒ‡ç¤ºçš„目標檔案 (ä¸åŒ…括目錄) --retry-connrefused å³ä½¿é€£ç·šè¢«æ‹’ä»ç„¶æœƒä¸æ–·å˜—試 --save-cookies=檔案 程å¼çµæŸå¾Œå°‡ cookie 儲存至指定檔案 --save-headers å°‡ HTTP 連線資料標頭存檔 --secure-protocol=PR é¸æ“‡å®‰å…¨é€šè¨Šå”定,å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç”¨ auto, SSLv2, SSLv3 或 TLSv1 --spider ä¸ä¸‹è¼‰ä»»ä½•è³‡æ–™ --strict-comments ç”¨åš´æ ¼æ–¹å¼ (SGML) è™•ç† HTML 注釋。 --user=用戶 指定 ftp å’Œ http 用戶å稱 --waitretry=秒數 æ¯æ¬¡é‡è¦†å˜—試å‰ç¨ç­‰ä¸€æ®µæ™‚é–“ (ç”± 1 秒至指 定秒數ä¸ç­‰) -4, --inet4-only åªæœƒé€£æŽ¥ IPv4 åœ°å€ -6, --inet6-only åªæœƒé€£æŽ¥ IPv6 åœ°å€ -A, --accept=清單 接å—的檔案樣å¼ï¼Œä»¥é€—號分隔 -B, --base=URL 使用 -F -i file é¸é …時,在相å°éˆçµå‰åŠ å…¥ URL -D, --domains=清單 接å—的網域,以逗號分隔 -E, --html-extension 將所有 HTML 文件加上 “.html†延伸檔å -F, --force-html 以 HTML æ–¹å¼è™•ç†è¼¸å…¥æª” -H, --span-hosts éžè¿´æ¨¡å¼ä¸­å¯é€²å…¥å…¶å®ƒä¸»æ©Ÿ -I, --include-directories=清單 準備下載的目錄 -K, --backup-converted 將檔案 X 轉æ›å‰å…ˆå‚™ä»½ç‚º X.orig -L, --relative åªè·Ÿéš¨ç›¸å°éˆçµ -N, --timestamping 除éžé ç«¯æª”案比較新,å¦å‰‡ä¸ä¸‹è¼‰é ç«¯æª”案 -O --output-document=檔案 將資料寫入指定檔案中 -P, --directory-prefix=å稱 儲存檔案å‰å…ˆå»ºç«‹æŒ‡å®šå稱的目錄 -Q, --quota=å¤§å° è¨­å®šä¸‹è¼‰è³‡æ–™çš„é™é¡å¤§å° -R, --reject=清單 排除的檔案樣å¼ï¼Œä»¥é€—號分隔 -S, --server-response 顯示伺æœå™¨å›žæ‡‰è¨Šæ¯ -T, --timeout=秒數 指定所有時é™ç‚ºåŒä¸€æ•¸å€¼ -U, --user-agent=AGENT 宣稱為 AGENT 而ä¸æ˜¯ Wget/VERSION -V, --version 顯示 Wget 版本並離開 -X, --exclude-directories=清單 準備排除的目錄 -a, --append-output=檔案 將紀錄訊æ¯åŠ å…¥<檔案>末端 -b, --background 啟動後進入背景作業 -c, --continue 繼續下載已下載了一部份的檔案 -d, --debug å°å‡ºåµéŒ¯è¨Šæ¯ -e, --execute=指令 執行 ‘.wgetrc’ å½¢å¼çš„指令 -h, --help å°å‡ºé€™æ®µèªªæ˜Žæ–‡å­— -i, --input-file=檔案 下載從檔案中找到的 URL -k, --convert-links 將下載後的 HTML çš„éˆçµè½‰æ›ç‚ºæœ¬åœ°æª”案 -l, --level=數字 最大æœå°‹æ·±åº¦ (inf 或 0 表示無é™) -m, --mirror 相等於 -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing é¸é … -nH, --no-host-directories ä¸å»ºç«‹å«æœ‰é ç«¯ä¸»æ©Ÿå稱的目錄 -nc, --no-clobber ä¸è¦†å¯«å·²ç¶“存在的檔案 -nd --no-directories ä¸å»ºç«‹ç›®éŒ„ -np, --no-parent ä¸é€²å…¥ä¸Šå±¤çš„目錄 -nv, --non-verbose 關閉詳細輸出模å¼ï¼Œä½†ä¸å•Ÿç”¨å®‰éœæ¨¡å¼ -o, --output-file=檔案 將紀錄訊æ¯å¯«å…¥<檔案>中 -p, --page-requisites 下載所有顯示網é æ‰€éœ€çš„檔案,例如圖片等 -q, --quiet 安éœæ¨¡å¼ (ä¸è¼¸å‡ºè¨Šæ¯) -r, --recursive éžè¿´ä¸‹è¼‰ -t, --tries=次數 設定é‡è©¦æ¬¡æ•¸ (0 表示無é™) -v, --verbose è©³ç´°è¼¸å‡ºæ¨¡å¼ (é è¨­ä½¿ç”¨é€™å€‹æ¨¡å¼) -w, --wait=秒數 æ¯æ¬¡ä¸‹è¼‰æª”案之å‰ç­‰å¾…指定秒數 -x, --force-directories 強制建立目錄 (%s ä½å…ƒçµ„) (éžæ­£å¼è³‡æ–™) [跟隨至新的 URL]å·²è¶…éŽ %d 次é‡æ–°å°Žå‘。 %s (%s) - 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[URL]... 使用‘%s’作為檔案清單暫存檔。 警告警告:隨機數å“質ä¸å¤ ã€‚ 警告: HTTP ä¸æ”¯æ´è¬ç”¨å­—元。 因為深度為 %d (最大值為 %d),所以ä¸ä¸‹è¼‰ã€‚ 無法寫入,會關閉控制連線。 å°‡ HTML 化的索引寫入至 ‘%s’ [%s]。 å°‡ HTML 化的索引寫入至 ‘%s’。 連上了。 無法連上 %s 的埠號 %d: %s 完æˆã€‚ 完æˆã€‚ 完æˆã€‚ 失敗: %s。 失敗: 該主機沒有 IPv4/IPv6 地å€ã€‚ 失敗: 連線逾時。 忽略ä¸éœ€é€²è¡Œä»»ä½•æ“作。 時間ä¸è©³ 未指定