The IPCC Data Distribution Centre

Accessing Scenario Information



Welcome to the IPCC Data Distribution Centre for climate scenarios and related information. You have come through to the DDC Scenario web site housed at the Climatic Research Unit, UEA, Norwich, UK. These pages are referred to as the DDC Green Pages. The DDC Blue Pages provide you with general information about the DDC, while the DDC Yellow Pages give you access to the DDC GCM Archive.

If this is your first time with us, the first thing you should do is register with the DDC. Registration is free. By registering you agree to abide by the conditions of data use explained in the DDC Data Policy. On registration, your personal details will be added to the DDC User Database and your email address will be added to the DDC's email list server. This means you will receive electronic bulletins informing you of new developments about the DDC and about climate change scenarios for the IPCC Third Assessment Report.

The DDC Green Pages offer you a number of options. Under User Support we offer you a guided tour of the DDC web site, access to a DDC Guidelines document, answers to Frequently Asked Questions about scenarios, and an ordering service for the DDC CD-ROM. We suggest you familiarise yourself with these services.

You may wish to examine what datasets the DDC can help you with. We provide descriptions and tables and graphs derived from the various datasets on this site. These include observed climate data, emissions scenarios, non-climatic baseline and scenario information, and descriptions of the GCM experiments that are archived by the DDC.

If you wish to view the observed and/or GCM data fields then you should proceed to the Data Visualisation Pages. Here you can plot time series of observed climate during the twentieth century, examine differences between observed and GCM simulated fields for 1961-1990, and plot GCM change fields for three timeslices in the twenty-first century.

Finally, you may wish to Download Data to your own machine. These pages give you direct access to decade-mean fields of observed climate data and also 30-year mean fields of GCM changes. Full GCM monthly timeseries are available at the DDC GCM Archive found on the DDC Yellow Pages.

The IPCC Data Distribution Centre at CRU is funded by the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions under The Climate Impacts LINK Project Contract Ref. EPG 1/1/68 If you require any further information regarding the DDC or have any comments on this web-site please contact:

Technical Details