(Runs using historical forcing from the last century to present and IPCC scenario 92a thereafter (or equivalent, e.g. 1%/year increase CO2), with and without aerosols).

for recommendation for IPCC:

* IS92a -type emission scenario (e.g. 1% p.a. greenhouse gas forcing)
* Integrations available now that exist in the public domain (make monthly data accessible through Data Distribution Centres and daily, when required, through modelling centres)
* Historically forced integrations
* Documented models
* Models that have participated in AMIP/CMIP
* Integrations without/with aerosols, and up to 2100 for CO2 only runs

Institution / Investigators Available runs / Stabilisation scenario experiments Future runs / Stabilisation scenario experiments Requirements / Important points Acceptance of criteria/ Availability of data References
BMRC - Bryant J McAvaney Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre GPO Box 1289 K Melbourne Victoria, 3001 AUSTRALIA TEL: +61-3-9669-4134 FAX:+61-3-9669-4660 . Plans to do runs in the lines specified above . Criteria accepted .
CSIRO - Hal Gordon, (Peter Whetton) CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Private Bag No. 1 Aspendale Victoria 3195 AUSTRALIA TEL: +61-3-9239-4535 FAX:+61-3-9239 4444 Historical forcing run from 1880 to present and then IS92a up to 3xCO2 (up to 2083). Integration continued up to 2400 with fixed 3xCO2 (stabilisation experiment) Implementation of some new aerosol coding into the model (end of 1997) Integration with aerosol forcing will be available by end of 1997 . Criteria accepted Hirst AC, Gordon HB, O'Farrell SP, (1996). Global warming in a coupled climate model including oceanic eddy-induced advection. Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3361-3364
NCAR - G. Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research PO Box 3000 1850 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80307-300 USA TEL: +1-303-497-1331 FAX:+1-303-497-1333 1. Sensitivity experiment combining increase CO2 and sulphate aerosols (direct and indirect effect) 2. Historical/future run from 1900 to 2045 (roughly following IS92a): 2.a with CO2 forcing only (completed) 2.b with CO2 plus sulphate aerosols (complete d) 1. Experiments with new NCAR Climate System Model (CSM), using historical forcing from 1870 to 1990 (spin-up of the coupled model to 1870 as starting point): a) with increased ghg and O3 (strat and trop) b) as a) + sulphate aerosols (direct indirect effec ts) c) as b) + variable solar forcing and volcanic aerosols. 2. Three stabilisation scenario integrations for future climate (end of 1870-1990 as starting point) using WRE450, WRE550 and WRE650 scenarios + ghg, O3, sulphate aerosols, etc. Important point: All runs are non-flux adjusted Time resolution of available runs is monthly Integrations within IPCC criteria Willingness to make data available trough some "interface" person or group Future runs/Stabilisation scenario experiments 1) and 2) will be completed by the end of 1997 or beginning of 1998, in time for WGI TAR, but probably not in time for impacts people. 1. Meehl GA, Washington WM, Erickson III DJ, Briegleb BP, Jaumann PJ. (1996). Climate Change from increased CO2 and the direct and indirect effects of sulphate aerosols. Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3755-3758.
CCCMA - George Boer Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling & Analysis Atmospheric Environment Service University of Victoria P O Box 1700, Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA TEL: +1-250 472 7302 FAX: +1-250 472 7300 Historical/future runs from 1900 to 2100 using the current coupled model (AGCM2, T32L10, and MOM ocean model, 1.8degL29,: * control * greenhouse Gas (GHG) only * 3xGHG + aerosols A "2xCO2 + aerosol" sort of stabilisation simulation is being prepared (constant forcing after 2050) using the same coupled model (AGCM2/MOM) Requirements: A series of scenarios (forcing scenarios as well as stabilisation scenarios) Criteria accepted .
GISS - Gary L Russell NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies National Aeronautics & Space Administration 2880 Broadway New York, NY 10025 USA TEL: +1-212-678 5547 FAX: +1-212-678 5552 1993 A-O Model, 4x5 degrees resolution, non-advective sea-ice a) 100 year Control simulation b) 80 year 1% compound CO2 increase experiment 1997 A-O Model, 4x5 degree resolution, sea ise and glacial ice advection: 1. 120 year Control simulation 2. 120 year 1% compounded CO2 increase experiment 3. 120 year 1% compounded CO2 increase experiment with aerosols This and other specified experiments finishing in 1998 1998 A-O Model, 2x2.5 resolution Control and experiments finishing in 1999 A-O Model does not use flux adjustments Currently participating in CMIP and CMIP2 with 1993 A-O Model Data available via GISS Web site, CMIP, and E-mail communication with Investigator Other criteria accepted 1993 A-O Model: Russell GL, Miller JR & Rind D, (1995). A coupled atmosphere-ocean model for transient climate change studies. Atmos.-Ocean, 33 (4), 683-730
GFDL - Ronald Stouffer Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (Room 244) Princeton University, Forrestal Campus PO Box 308, Route 1 Princeton, NJ 08542 USA TEL: +1-609-452-6576 FAX:+1-609-987-5063 1. Three experiments from 1766-2065: * CO2 only * CO2 + aerosols * aerosols onl;y 2. Two 500 year runs: * 2xCO2 * 4xCO2 Spatial resolution: R15L9 (atmosphere) 4degL12 (ocean) Model simulation from 2xCO2 back to 1xCO2 (results will not be available for some time) . Criteria accepted Data in public domain: NCDC Reference for 1: Haywood et al, (1997) Geo. Research Letters, 24, pages to appear Reference for 2: Manabe & Stouffer (1994), J. Climate, 7, 5-23
LMD/IPSL - Hervé Le Treut Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS Ecole Normale Superieure 24 rue Lhomond 75231 Paris, Cedex 05 FRANCE TEL: +33-1-44 322237 FAX:+33-1-43 368392 . 1. CMIP2 integrations in 1997 2. Integrations within the IPCC criteria for 1998 Important point: New federation of Parisian Laboratories (IPSL) which includes LMD, Lodyc, LMCE, CFR,... Criteria accepted .
DKRZ/MPI - Ulrich Cubasch Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Bundestrasse 55 20146 Hamburg GERMANY TEL:+49 40-41173376 FAX:+49 40-41173298 Two experiments that fulfil requirements: * T21 ECHAM3 LSG set (1 1000year control, 1 CO2 only, 2 CO2 + aerosols) * T42 ECHAM4 OPYC set (1 400 year control, 1 CO2 only, 1 CO2 + aerosols) Stabilisation scenario experiments: a) T21 ECHAM1/LSG 100years star ting 1985, IPCC 90 D scenario b) T21 ECHAM3/LSG 150years, scenario IPCC 90 A starting 1985 until CO2 doubling, then stabilisation at that value c) ECHAM3/LSG periodically coupled: Scenario A until 2xCO2, 4xCO2 and 8xCO2, then stabilising at thouse levels for 700 years .. Important point: Decide which data should be made available (which time resolution?). To be worked out with impact people. Criteria accepted * ECHAM3/LSG experiments are available now * ECHAM4/OPYC experiment could be made available (aerosol experiment slightly later -still in evaluation phase) * ECHAM1/LSG experiment is generally available ECHAM3 (not stabilisation): * Lal et al (1995), Current Science, 69 * Lal et al (1995) Clim Research, 5 * Hegerl et al (1996) J. Climate, 9 * Lal et al (1996) Current Science, 71 * Cubasch et al (1996) Geophysica, 32 * Cubasch et al, (1997) accepted by C lim Dyn ECHAM4: * Bengtsoon (1997) Ambio, 26 * Roeckner et al (1996) Clim Dyn, 12 * Bacher et al (sub to Clim Dyn, MPI Report 199 , 1996) * Christoph et al (sub to J. Climate, MPI Report 235, 1996) * Zhang et al (sub to Clim Dyn, MPI Report 201, 1996) E CHAM1: Cubash et al, (1992) Clim Dyn, 8

Hadley Centre - John Mitchell Hadley Centre UK Met Office London Road Bracknell, Berks, RG12 2SY UK TEL:+44 1344 856912 FAX:+44 1344 854898

Data Available from - David Viner, Climate Impacts LINK Project, Climatic Research Unit, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK, Tel: +44 1603 592089

Ensembles of 4 with historical forcing from 1860 and scenarios for each of: a) Effective CO2 and 1% year (1990-2100) b) Effective CO2 and "IS92d" (1990-2100) c) As (a) with aerosol forcing d) As (b) with aerosol forcing Stabilisation experiment: a) 1% year CO2 then fixed after 2xCO2 Integrations with non-flux adjustments and higher ocean resolution under consideration . Integrations within IPCC criteria Data are or will be available through UEA (University of East Anglia) Link (David Viner). Please let David know what you are using data for, any results in publications, and acknowledge Hadley Centre * Mitchell et al (1995), Nature * Johns et al (1997) Clim. Dyn, * Mitchell & Johns (1997) J. Climate * Mitchell et al (submitted to Climatic Change)
MRI - Akira Noda Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Met Agency 1-1, Nagamine, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 JAPAN TEL: +81-298 53 8608 FAX: +81-298 55 2552  . Runs in the lines specified will be completed in early 1998  . Requirements: Information about initializing historical runs Criteria accepted Data for planned experiments will be available in CD-ROMs from the Japan Meteorlogical Agency. 
IAP - Qing-Cun Zeng Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 52 Sanlihe Road, PO Box 2718, Beijing 100080 CHINA TEL: FAX:+86 10 62562347 Transient AOGCM simulation (gradual increase of CO2)  Plans to do new integrations   .  . Integrations within IPCC criteria ?