The IPCC Data Distribution Centre

Non-climate Baseline Data - North America

Baseline information is available for the following sectors:

Population and Human Development

Economic conditions

Land cover / Land use


Agriculture / Food




Population and Human Development (return to top)

Total Pop. (1000's) 1995 Current Pop. Density (persons/km2) 1995 Projected Pop. Density (persons/km2) 2025 Total Urban Pop. (1000's) 1995 Urban Pop. In Coastal Cities (1000's) 1980
Canada 29463 3 4 22593 3066
United States 263250 28 35 200695 60324

Economic Conditions (return to top)

GDP per Capita in Constant PPP ('85IN$) 1992 GDP from Agriculture (%) 1993 GDP from Industry (%) 1993 GDP from Services (%) 1993 GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) 1993
Canada 16362 X X X X
United States 17945 X X X 3.00

Land cover / Land use (return to top)

Total Land Area (1000ha) 1993 Arable and Permanent Cropland (1000ha) 1993 Permanent Pasture (1000 ha) 1993 Forest and Woodland (1000 ha) 1993 Other Land (1000ha) 1993
Canada 922097 45500 27900 494000 354697
United States 957311 187776 239172 286200 244163

Water (return to top)

Water Resources per Capita (m3) 1995 Domestic Annual Withdrawals (%) 1995 Industry Annual Withdrawals (%) 1995 Agriculture Annual Withdrawals (%) 1995
Canada 98462 18 70 12
United States 9413 13 45 42

Agriculture / Food (return to top)

Irrigated Land (1000ha) 1993 Agricultural Labour Force (1000's) 1993 Total Labour Force (1000's) 1993 Cattle Stocks (1000's) 1994 Sheep Stocks (1000's) 1994 Goat Stocks (1000's) 1994 Pig Stocks (1000's) 1994 Equines (horses /mules/asses) (1000's) 1994 Buffalo Stocks (1000's) 1994 Camel Stocks (1000's) 1994
Canada 710 387 13756 12306 691 28 11200 429 X X
United States 20700 2600 126205 100988 9600 2009 57904 3944 X X

Energy (return to top)

Total Commercial Energy Consumption (PJ) 1993 Traditional Fuel Consumption (TJ) 1991 Commercial Hydroelectric Consumption (PJ) 1993
Canada 9198.00 67018 1165.28
United States 81751.00 916422 995.27

Biodiversity (return to top)

Known Mammel Species (#) 1990's Endemic Mammel Species (#) 1990's Known Bird Species (#) 1990's Endemic Bird Species (#) 1990's Known Plant Species (#) 1990's Endemic Plant Species (#) 1990's
Canada 193 7 578 3 2,920 147
United States 428 101 768 70 16,302 4,036