The IPCC Data Distribution Centre

Data Visualisation


You have come through to the IPCC DDC Scenario Visualisation pages. If you have not already found out about the Observed and GCM datasets that you can view here then we suggest that you familiarise yourself with them now. You may also wish to examine the User Support pages before proceeding - these services include Frequently Asked Questions about scenario construction.

You have five visualisation options to choose from at this site. These are listed below. If you wish to download via ftp any of these datasets then proceed to the Data Download page.

If you have problems opening these visualisations, it is probably because you do not have the Jigsaw Server set up correctly on your machine. Please consult the documentation to find how to do this.


View observed fields

This option allows you to view global maps of observed surface climate variables over land areas for 1961-90 and other periods, and also to examine the differences between observed and modelled 1961-90 mean fields.


View observed regional time series

This option allows you to plot observed climate timeseries for the period 1901-1995 for a user-defined region of the global land surface, and for a selection of variables and months or seasons.


View GCM global-mean time-series

This option allows you to view observed and modelled global/hemispheric-mean temperature and precipitation series of all the DDC Models


View GCM change fields

This option allows you to examine any of the various GCM change fields for any of the three 30-year future timeslices and also to examine the difference between two user-defined GCM change fields, whether different GCMs, ensemble members or different timeslices.


View observed and GCM fields combined

This option allows you to combine the observed 1961-90 global land fields with a user-defined GCM change field to generate a future climate field for any timeslice and variable.