The IPCC Data Distribution Centre

To the Scenario Data Gateway


The DDC web site at the Climatic Research Unit has been designed to allow the user quick and easy access to the full range of scenario information. The sorts of questions we can answer for you are:

  • "How can I access the observed climate baseline data?"
  • "What emissions scenario should I use?"
  • "How well do the GCM results agree with each other?"
  • "Should I base my scenarios on one GCM or on several?"
  • "How should I handle the effects of sulphate aerosols?"
  • "What sea-level rise is consistent with my CO2 concentration?"
  • "How important are these scenarios in relation to natural climate variability?"

The DDC web site at CRU has four main functions:

User Registration and Orders for the CD-ROM. All users of the scenario data from the DDC are asked to register and complete a brief electronic form about the project(s) for which they need the data. This allows us to monitor the use of the DDC scenarios. You may prefer to view the web-site software and access the scenario data from a CD-ROM, in which case we can process your order. The DDC CD-ROM is provided free.

User-Support. We provide an illustrated tour through the data and information that is available from the IPCC Data Distribution Centre. You will be able to download certain datasets directly from this site, as well as obtain guidance on how best to apply and interpret these climate change scenarios. This on-line material will be compatible with the formal Guidance Material which will be published as a stand-alone report.

Data Visualisation. This software tool allows you to view the various climate datasets in map and graphical form. Time series graphs of observed climate variability from 1901-95 can be constructed for any region. Global or user-defined regional maps showing observed climates or GCM-derived climate change fields can be viewed.

Data Access. The web site allows users to download (ASCII or binary) data files from the DDC. These datasets include the global observed climate baseline data, aggregate climate change fields from the GCMs, and the socio-economic scenario data. If you decide that you need more detailed results from the GCM experiments, we direct you to the DDC GCM Archive housed at DKRZ, Hamburg.

To the Scenario Data Gateway