The IPCC Data Distribution Centre

Data Statement


1. The IPCC Data Distribution Centre permits the research results from five climate modelling centres (Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Geophysical Fluids Dynamics Laboratory, and Commonwealth and Scientific Industrial Research Organisation) to be used freely for the purposes of bona fide research. (Bona fide research is deemed to be research which generates results that are freely and universally accessible to any interested party, i.e., if people use DDC data they must agree to publish results openly or respond willingly to requests from others for copies of the results.)

2. The climate modelling centres' research results should not be used for commercial exploitation, business use, resale or transfer to any third party.

3. No warranty is given as to the suitability of the climate modelling centres' research results for particular purposes.

4. No liability is accepted by the IPCC Data Distribution Centre and/or the climate modelling centres for any errors or omissions in the climate modelling centres' research results, associated information and/or documentation.

5. Please acknowledge the use of the corresponding climate modelling centres' research results in any publication.

6. The intellectual property rights on the climate modelling centres' research results remains the property of each of the climate modelling centres.

7. By registering with the DDC you agree to abide by this Data Statement.