The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Data Distribution Centre

Providing Climate Change and Related Scenarios for Impacts Assessments



Scenario Data Gateway


GCM Archive Gateway

DDC Data Policy 

DDC Registration 

Amend Registration Details  

DDC Bulletins 

Database of DDC Users 

Welcome to the newly established Data Distribution Centre (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The DDC has been established to facilitate the timely distribution of a consistent set of up-to-date scenarios of changes in climate and related environmental and socio-economic factors for use in climate impacts assessments. The intention is that these new assessments can feed into the review process of the IPCC, in particular to the Third Assessment Report (TAR).

If you intend to make use of this site, and in particular if you wish to download scenario data from it, we require you to register with us. Registration is free, but by registering you agree to abide by the DDC Data Policy that requires that these data be used for public scientific research rather than for commercial applications. Please read this Data Policy carefully. Registration also allows us to maintain a Database of DDC users and an email list through which we can keep users informed of developments about the DDC site and about climate change scenarios for the Third Assessment Report.

The initiative to establish a DDC grew out of a recommendation by the IPCC Task Group on Climate Scenarios for Impacts Assessments (TGCIA). This Task Group was itself formed following a recommendation made at the IPCC Workshop on Regional Climate Change Projections for Impact Assessment (London, 24-26 September 1996).

The establishment of the DDC was approved by the IPCC Bureau at its Thirteenth Session (9-11 July 1997) and it was subsequently determined at the XIIIth IPCC Plenary (Maldives, 22-28 September 1997) that the DDC would be a shared operation between the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in the United Kingdom and the Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) in Germany. Technical inputs from other centres or organizations with experience in the preparation and distribution of climate scenarios will also be solicited. Regional centres providing mirror web sites may be added at a later date.


Scenario Data Gateway


GCM Archive Gateway

If you require any further information regarding the DDC or have any comments on this web-site please contact: