Welcome to Version 1.0 of the IPCC Data Distribution Centre CD-ROM. Full documentation on the CD-ROM is provided in the booklet that accompanies the CD. This documentation provides you with detailed instructions about installation and running the CD. Some of these points are summarised below. System Requirements * A Pentium 100MHz PC or better, with at least 16 RAM and running Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0. * 50MB free disk space on drive C (100MB is preferable). (To copy the CD to your hard-disk and run the software from the hard-disk will require about 650MB of free disk-space; this is optional). * A monitor resolution of 1024x768 and 256 colours is strongly recommended. * A web browser. The software will run with Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 3 or later; the software runs better under IE4 or IE5) and Netscape Navigator (Version 4.** or later). If you do not have a web browser on your machine then Netscape Navigator Version 4.5 is supplied on the CD (with permission) and can be installed on your PC. * A network connection. The visualisation component will only work if you have a network connection (i.e., a TCP/IP protocol) installed on your PC or laptop. If your PC is connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) or has a dial-up connection, then you probably already have a TCP/IP protocol configured correctly. * A Java server called Jigsaw. This is supplied with the CD-ROM (see installation below). * The software will run under Windows 3.1, but this is not recommended. Only the html code on the CD-ROM can be operated with Apple Macs; the visualisation components will not work. Installation Procedure To run the DDC CD-ROM, you need to make three simple choices. These are spelt out below, with instructions to follow depending on the choice you make. ---- Choice 1: run the software from the CD-ROM or from your hard-disk? a. The default option is to run it from the CD which therefore needs to remain in your CD drive for the duration you are using the software. You are able to download specific data files onto your hard-disk, or other local devices, using the CD software. You need do nothing further relating to Choice 1. b. If you have over 650MB of free space on your hard-disk, you may prefer to copy the contents of the CD onto your hard-disk and run the software from there. The visualisation components run slightly quicker if you do this. Copying the CD onto your hard-disk. It is easiest to copy the contents of the CD onto your hard-disk using Windows Explorer (or equivalent). Create a new directory (say, \ipccddc) on your hard-disk. Copy the entire contents of the \html and \visual CD directories into this new hard-disk directory. Also copy over the 'start.html' file in the top-level CD directory and place it in your new hard-disk directory. Copying the CD may take between 5 and 10 minutes. ---- Choice 2: run the software using your existing web browser or the supplied web browser? a. The default option is to use the existing browser installed on your PC. You need do nothing further relating to Choice 1. b. If you do not have a web browser, we have supplied Netscape Navigator 4.5 (with permission) on the CD-ROM. You should install this web browser on your PC before you open the DDC software. Instructions for installing Netscape are in the \netscape directory on the CD, in a file called README.TXT. ---- Choice 3: do you want to operate the visualisation components of the DDC software? If you do, then you will need to install the supplied Java server (called Jigsaw) on your PC. Once your Jigsaw server is installed, you will need to activate this server each time you wish a DDC visualisation session. See Jigsaw installation instructions below. Installing the Jigsaw Java Server The DDC CD-ROM software is designed in two parts: 1) documentation and data access and 2) data set visualisation. The documentation and access to the data sets is provided through a series of html pages which simply need a web browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) to become operational. To operate the DDC visualisation components of the CD, however, you need to install a Java server on your PC. This Java web server is called Jigsaw. The visualisation components of the CD software use a collection of Java servelets and applets that allow you to plot maps and graphs of the various DDC data files. If you do not wish to operate the visualisation components, there is no need to install or activate the Jigsaw server. Step 1: Make sure that you have at least 50 Megabytes (ideally 100MB) free space on your hard- disk (usually C:). If there is already a directory named Jigsaw under C:\, move it elsewhere or delete it otherwise it will be overwritten. Otherwise, the INSTALL.EXE will create a directory called Jigsaw and install the Jigsaw server under it. Step 2a: Installing Jigsaw if you wish to run the DDC software from the CD. Insert the DDC CD into your CD drive. From within Windows Explorer run INSTALL.EXE in the \visual directory on the CD. The installation process does not involve any setting of Registry items or any other share libraries, therefore an uninstall program is not supplied. To uninstall the Jigsaw server simply delete the whole Jigsaw directory that will have been created on your C: disk. Once the installation is complete you will find you have a directory called Jigsaw on your hard- disk. Installation of Jigsaw may take between 10 and 20 seconds. Step 2b: Installing Jigsaw if you have previously copied the entire contents of the CD onto your hard-disk (see above) and you wish to run the DDC software from your hard-disk. From within Windows Explorer run INSTALL.EXE in the \visual directory in your hard-disk DDC directory that you created when you copied the CD-ROM onto your hard-disk. The installation process does not involve any setting of Registry items or any other share libraries, therefore an uninstall program is not supplied. To uninstall the Jigsaw server simply delete the whole Jigsaw directory that will have been created on your C: disk. Once the installation is complete you will find you have a directory called Jigsaw on your hard-disk. Installation of Jigsaw may take between 10 and 20 seconds. Once installed on your hard-disk (disk C:), the Jigsaw web server will remain installed. Each time you wish to run a visualisation session using the DDC software, however, you will need to open the Jigsaw web server. See below under Running the DDC software. Running the DDC Software Step 1. Opening the web brower: To open the DDC CD-ROM, all you need do is click on the html file ('start.html') in the top level folder on the CD-ROM (or on your hard-disk if you have copied the CD-ROM onto your hard-disk). This will automatically open your web browser, either the one previously installed on your PC, or else Netscape Navigator 4.5 which you may have installed from the CD-ROM. This browser enables you to view the documentation and download data sets, but does not allow you to visualise the data sets. Step 2. Activating the Jigsaw server: Make sure that you have previously installed Jigsaw from the location (either CD or hard-disk) where you are running the CD. Using Windows Explorer, find your Jigsaw directory and click on the file HTTPD.EXE. This will open a session under DOS labelled JRE. In this DOS session, Jigsaw will display five lines of text, the last line being: JigAdmin[2.0beta3]:serving at http://setit:8009/ You should now minimise this session (do not close it). With this Jigsaw server running you will be able to use the visualisation options on the DDC software. You must keep this Jigsaw server session running for the duration you wish to use the DDC visualisation software. Step 3. Ending a Jigsaw session: To close a Jigsaw session, switch back to your DOS session in which HTTPD is running and type Ctrl+C. This will close down the Jigsaw server and end your DOS session. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CLOSE YOUR JIGSAW SESSION PROPERLY USING CTRL+C; OTHERWISE YOUR MACHINE MAY CRASH. Disclamer and Warranties The DDC CD and software is supplied on an 'AS IS' basis without any warranty of any nature. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is thus borne by the user. Should the software prove defective, the user and not the Climatic Research Unit or IPCC assumes the entire cost of any damage and/or service and repair. You may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble or create derivative applications based on this software; nor rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the rights of the software, without prior agreement with CRU. The contents of this CD-ROM and its copyright are the property of CRU and are protected by copyright laws and international treaties.