Chapter 10 Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material for Chapter 10
of the Working Group I contribution
to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report

Supplementary Material – Supplementary Details, Tables & Figures

  File:  AR4WG1_Pub_Ch10-SM.pdf    (file size: 2.9 MB)

     Details of data preparation for runoff and soil moisture plots
     Table S10.1. List of models used in figures in section 10.3
     Table S10.2. Global multi-model mean change in annual mean precipitation
     Figure S10.1. Snow cover
     Figure S10.2. Tropospheric ozone
     Figure S10.3. AOGCM temperature and precipitation commitment
     Figure S10.4. Equilibrium surface warming for different stabilization levels

Supplementary Material – Figures Showing Individual Model Results
   for Different Climate Variables

  The following page (click here) provides information on individual model figures for
    multi-model means shown in section 10.3.