List of dates for testing routines in Chapter 1 16 entries 12 31 -1 End of millennium 01 01 1 One day later 10 04 1582 Day before Gregorian calendar 10 15 1582 Gregorian calendar adopted 01 17 1706 Benjamin Franklin born 04 14 1865 Abraham Lincoln shot 04 18 1906 San Francisco earthquake 05 07 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania 07 20 1923 Pancho Villa assassinated 05 23 1934 Bonnie and Clyde eliminated 07 22 1934 John Dillinger shot 04 03 1936 Bruno Hauptman electrocuted 05 06 1937 Hindenburg disaster 07 26 1956 Sinking of the Andrea Doria 06 05 1976 Teton dam collapse 05 23 1968 Julian Day 2440000