PROGRAM xgaucof C driver for routine gaucof INTEGER NP REAL SQRTPI PARAMETER(NP=64,SQRTPI=1.7724539) INTEGER i,n REAL amu0,check,a(NP),b(NP),x(NP),w(NP) 1 write(*,*) 'Enter N' read(*,*,END=99) n do 11 i=1,n-1 a(i)=0. b(i+1)=i*.5 11 continue a(n)=0. C b(1) is arbitrary for call to TQLI amu0=SQRTPI call gaucof(n,a,b,amu0,x,w) write(*,'(/1x,t3,a,t10,a,t22,a/)') '#','X(I)','W(I)' do 12 i=1,n write(*,'(1x,i2,2e14.6)') i,x(i),w(i) 12 continue check=0. do 13 i=1,n check=check+w(i) 13 continue write(*,'(/1x,a,e15.7,a,e15.7)') 'Check value:',check, * ' should be:',SQRTPI go to 1 99 stop END