PROGRAM xlocate C driver for routine locate INTEGER N PARAMETER(N=100) INTEGER i,j REAL x,xx(N) C create array to be searched do 11 i=1,N xx(i)=exp(i/20.0)-74.0 11 continue write(*,*) 'Result of: j=0 indicates x too small' write(*,*) ' j=100 indicates x too large' write(*,'(t5,a7,t17,a1,t24,a5,t34,a7)') 'locate ','j', * 'xx(j)','xx(j+1)' C perform test do 12 i=1,19 x=-100.0+200.0*i/20.0 call locate(xx,N,x,j) if (j.eq.0) then write(*,'(1x,f10.4,i6,a12,f12.6)') x,j,'lower lim',xx(j+1) else if (j.eq.N) then write(*,'(1x,f10.4,i6,f12.6,a12)') x,j,xx(j),'upper lim' else write(*,'(1x,f10.4,i6,2f12.6)') x,j,xx(j),xx(j+1) endif 12 continue END