PROGRAM xqrsolv C driver for routine qrsolv INTEGER NP PARAMETER (NP=20) REAL a(NP,NP),ai(NP,NP),b(NP,NP),c(NP),d(NP),x(NP) INTEGER j,k,l,m,n CHARACTER txt*3 LOGICAL sing open(7,file='MATRX1.DAT',status='old') read(7,*) 10 read(7,*) read(7,*) n,m read(7,*) read(7,*) ((a(k,l), l=1,n), k=1,n) read(7,*) read(7,*) ((b(k,l), k=1,n), l=1,m) C save matrix a for later testing do 12 l=1,n do 11 k=1,n ai(k,l)=a(k,l) 11 continue 12 continue C do qr decomposition call qrdcmp(a,n,NP,c,d,sing) if (sing) write(*,*) 'Singularity in QR decomposition.' C solve equations for each right-hand vector do 16 k=1,m do 13 l=1,n x(l)=b(l,k) 13 continue call qrsolv(a,n,NP,c,d,x) C test results with original matrix write(*,*) 'Right-hand side vector:' write(*,'(1x,6f12.6)') (b(l,k), l=1,n) write(*,*) 'Result of matrix applied to sol''n vector' do 15 l=1,n b(l,k)=0.0 do 14 j=1,n b(l,k)=b(l,k)+ai(l,j)*x(j) 14 continue 15 continue write(*,'(1x,6f12.6)') (b(l,k), l=1,n) write(*,*) '***********************************' 16 continue write(*,*) 'Press RETURN for next problem:' read(*,*) read(7,'(a3)') txt if ('END') goto 10 close(7) END