PROGRAM xwt1 C driver for routine wt1 INTEGER NCMAX,NMAX,NCEN,NWID PARAMETER(NMAX=512,NCMAX=50,NCEN=333,NWID=33) INTEGER i,itest,k,ncof,ioff,joff,nused REAL u(NMAX),v(NMAX),w(NMAX),cc,cr,frac,select,thresh,tmp COMMON /pwtcom/ cc(NCMAX),cr(NCMAX),ncof,ioff,joff EXTERNAL pwt,daub4 1 write(*,*) 'Enter k (4, -4, 12, or 20) and frac (0. to 1.):' read(*,*,END=999) k,frac frac=min(1.,max(0.,frac)) if (k.eq.-4) then itest=1 else itest=0 endif k=abs(k) if ( goto 1 do 11 i=1,NMAX if ( then v(i)=float(i-NCEN+NWID)*float(NCEN+NWID-i)/NWID**2 else v(i)=0. endif w(i)=v(i) 11 continue if (itest.eq.0) then call pwtset(k) call wt1(v,NMAX,1,pwt) else call wt1(v,NMAX,1,daub4) endif do 12 i=1,NMAX u(i)=abs(v(i)) 12 continue thresh=select(int((1.-frac)*NMAX),NMAX,u) nused=0 do 13 i=1,NMAX if (abs(v(i)).le.thresh) then v(i)=0. else nused=nused+1 endif 13 continue if (itest.eq.0) then call wt1(v,NMAX,-1,pwt) else call wt1(v,NMAX,-1,daub4) endif thresh=0. do 14 i=1,NMAX tmp=abs(v(i)-w(i)) if ( thresh=tmp 14 continue write(*,*) 'k,NMAX,nused=',k,NMAX,nused write(*,*) 'discrepancy=',thresh goto 1 999 END