PROGRAM xwtn C driver for routine wtn INTEGER NCMAX,NX,NY REAL EPS PARAMETER(NCMAX=50,NX=128,NY=256,EPS=1.e-06) INTEGER ncof,ioff,joff,i,j,nerror,ntot REAL a(NX,NY),aorg(NX,NY),cc,cr COMMON /pwtcom/ cc(NCMAX),cr(NCMAX),ncof,ioff,joff INTEGER ndim(2) EXTERNAL pwt DATA ndim /NX,NY/ nerror=0 ntot=NX*NY do 12 i=1,NX do 11 j=1,NY if (i.eq.j) then a(i,j)=-1. else a(i,j)=1./sqrt(abs(float(i-j))) endif aorg(i,j)=a(i,j) 11 continue 12 continue call pwtset(12) call wtn(a,ndim,2,1,pwt) C here, one might set the smallest components to zero, encode and transmit C the remaining components as a compressed form of the "image" call wtn(a,ndim,2,-1,pwt) do 14 i=1,NX do 13 j=1,NY if (abs(aorg(i,j)-aorg(i,j)).ge.EPS) then write(*,*) 'Compare Error at element ',i,j nerror=nerror+1 endif 13 continue 14 continue if ( then write(*,*) 'Number of comparision errors: ',nerror else write(*,*) 'Transform-inverse transform check OK' endif END