2012_Near Future Climate Projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3.pdf
2013_Phan Van Tan - Ngo Duc Thanh - Publised.pdf
2014_Climate change projections and selected impacts for Vietnam.pdf
2014_Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models.pdf
2014_Observed Climate Variations and Change in Vietnam.pdf
2017_Climate Projections for Hydrological Modeling in Southern Vietnam.pdf
2018_Future changes in annual precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia under global warming of 2C.pdf
2019_Projected future changes in mean precipitation over Thailand based on multi-model regional climate simulations of CORDEX Southeast Asia.pdf
2019_Space–time variability of drought over Vietnam.pdf
2020_Climatic Shift of the Tropical Cyclone Activity Affecting Vietnam’s Coastal Region.pdf
2020_Multi-model projections of precipitation extremes in Southeast Asia based on CORDEX-Southeast Asia simulations.pdf
2020_Projected future changes in rainfall in Southeast Asia based on CORDEX–SEA multi‑model simulations.pdf
2020_Rainfall Trends in Vietnam and their Associations with Tropical Cyclones during 1979–2019.pdf
2020_Trends and Extremes of Drought Episodes in Vietnam Sub-Regions during 1980–2017 at Different Timescales.pdf