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Pilot Research Project
Climate Change-Induced Water Disaster
and Participatory Information System
for Vulnerability Reduction in North Central Vietnam
Code: 11-P04-VIE
Funding by DANIDA
Located in the North Central Vietnam, provinces Nghe An, Ha Tinhand Quang Binh (NHQ), where most of inhabitants depend onrevenues from agricultural and aquacultural sectors, are among the most affected by climate change (CC) induced water disaster (WD) related extreme climate events (ECEs). By using multi scale andmulti level approaches, a participatory information system (PIS)will be built in which the multi- and inter-disciplinary scientific and technological knowledge with indigenous experiences have been integrating and spatializing.
The project will point out three districts of the three provinces as pilot research sites. The communes in each district are selected for more detailed studies and sociological surveys (at village level) on the basis of representativeness for coastal and lowland areas (CLLA) in terms of combination of livelihoods, WD impacts andcoping strategies. These sites can be representative the bio-physical and socio-economic contexts of CLLA of NHQ.
Series of GIS-based quantitative maps/tables of CC scenarios and ECEs change, water related disaster induced by CC, vulnerability and other socio-economic conditions, including the indigenous knowledge integrations, will be constructed and analysed. Participatory mechanism/working model helps the project to ensure that the process of collecting data, mapping, analysing, PIS - designing, database and tools is consistency.