A Contrast of the East Asian Summer Monsoon–ENSO Relationship between 1962–77 and 1978–93.pdf
A Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon Production.pdf
An evaluation of the seasonal added value of downscaling over the United States using new verification measures.pdf
Climate-driven chlorophyll-a concentration interannual variability in the South China Sea.pdf
Connections of ENSO:IOD and aerosols with Thai rainfall anomalies and associated implications for local rainfall forecasts.pdf
Correlation between El Nino–Southern Oscillation ˜ (ENSO) and precipitation in South-east Asia and the Pacific region.pdf
Dynamic downscaling of 22-year CFS winter seasonal hindcasts with the UCLA-ETA regional climate model over the United States.pdf
ENSO and the seasonal cycle of precipitation in Southeast Asia-Giannini.pdf
Emerging European winter precipitation pattern linked to atmospheric circulation changes over the North Atlantic region in recent decades.pdf
Evolution of ENSO-Related Rainfall Anomalies in East Asia.pdf
Impact of RCM spatial resolution on the reproduction of local sub-daily precipitation.pdf
Impact of the Indian Ocean dipole on the relationship between the Indian monsoon rainfall and ENSO.pdf
Influences of IOD and ENSO to Indonesian rainfall variability- role of atmosphere-ocean interaction in the Indo-Pacific sector .pdf
Interannual variability and lagged correlation during strong El Niño events in the Pacific Ocean.pdf
Low-frequency modes of variability of the Indian Ocean and their connection with the Indian Ocean Dipole.pdf
MSc-Thesis-Analysis of regional climate model simulations of winter seasonal precipitation.pdf
Mid-Western U.S. Heavy Summer-Precipitation in Regional and Global Climate Models- The Impact on Model Skill and Consensus Through an Analogue Lens.pdf
Multi-RCM ensemble downscaling of NCEP CFS winter season forecasts- Implications for seasonal hydrologic forecast skill.pdf
Multi-RCM ensemble downscaling of global seasonal forecasts (MRED).pdf
On the spatial and temporal variability of ENSO precipitation and drought teleconnection in mainland Southeast Asia.pdf
Precipitation Extremes Estimated by GPCP and TRMM- ENSO Relationships.pdf
Precipitation response to El Niño:La Niña events in Southern South America – emphasis in regional drought occurrences.pdf
Recent and future changes in the Asian monsoon-ENSO relationship- Natural or forced?.pdf
Relationship between ENSO and Rainfall in the Central Plain of Thailand.pdf
Relationship between ENSO and Winter Rainfall over Southeast China and Its Decadal Variability.pdf
Spectral nudging to eliminate the effects of domain position and geometry in regional climate model simulations.pdf
The Added Value Index- A new metric to quantify the added value of regional models.pdf
The ENSO–Precipitation Teleconnection and Its Modulation by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation.pdf
The ERA-Interim reanalysis- configuration and performance of the data assimilation system.pdf
The Indian Ocean Dipole- a Physical Entity.doc
The Years of El Niño, La Niña, and Interactions with the Tropical Indian Ocean.pdf
The impact of ENSO and the NAO on extreme winter precipitation in North America in observations and regional climate models.pdf
The probability of the impact of ENSO on precipitation and near-surface temperature.pdf
Uncertainties in projecting future changes in atmospheric rivers and their 2 impacts on heavy precipitation over Europe - Gao2016.pdf
Validating a regional climate model’s downscaling ability for East Asian summer monsoonal interannual variability.pdf