A model for assessment of weather forecasts.pdf A note on Gandin and Murphy’s equitable skill score.pdf An introduction to ROC analysis.pdf Analysis of Climate Variability- Applications of Statistical Techniques.pdf Attachment_II-8.doc Basic Verification Concepts.pdf Comparison of Some Statistical Methods of Probabilistic Forecasting of ENSO.pdf Descriptions of the IRI Climate Forecast Verification Scores.pdf Ensemble Forecast Verification.pdf Forecast Verification Glossary.pdf Forecast Verification in AFS.pdf Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation.pdf Improved global sea surface temperature analyses using optimum interpolation.pdf MedCOF_Training1_SMason_SVSLRF.pdf On the relationship between the frequency of rain and various meteorological parameters.pdf Reconstruction of historical sea-surface temperatures using empirical orthogonal functions.pdf Resampling hypothesis tests for autocorrelated fields.pdf Revised “LEPS” scores for assessing climate model simulations and long-range forecasts.pdf SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW How to Make Effective Use of Colors in Meteorological Visualizations.pdf STANDARDIZED VERIFICATION SYSTEM (SVS) FOR LONG-RANGE FORECASTS (LRF).pdf Seasonal Forecast Verification in the Pacific using a coupled model POAMA and the statistical model SCOPIC.pdf Skill scores based on the mean square error and their relationships to the correlation coefficient.pdf Spatial Forecast Verification.pdf Standardised Verification System (SVS) for Long-Range Forecasts (LRF).docx Statistical Inference.pdf Survey of common verification methods in meteorology-Part 1.pdf Survey of common verification methods in meteorology-Part 3.pdf Survey of common verification methods in meteorology-Patr 2.pdf TINH CAC CHI SO BANG EXCEL.xlsx Verification Methods for Tropical Cyclone Forecasts.pdf Verification of Categorical Predictands.pdf Verification of Continuous Predictands.pdf Verification of climate forecasts .pdf Warning Verification.pdf