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Last Field Work Reports, Discussions and Meeting Minutes
Last Events
January 2015
Field survey on PIS by Dr. Ole Bruun's team
December 2014
Workshop on PIS "Participatory Information System (PIS) and User-needs: A Tool Linking Scientists, Authorities and Communities" to be held in Ha Tinh on 08 December
Field survey on PIS in Nghe An and Ha Tinh by Dr. Mette Fog Olwig
October 2014
- Field survey in NHQ, to be cooperated between WP5 and Danish team.
March and May 2014
November 2013
A delegation from RUC travels to Vietnam to attend workshop and go field trip to NHQ with Vietnamese WP2 team.
August-September 2013
Field surver of WP5 team. Pre-processing data field survey. Seminars on the outputs from all WPs for PIS. Publication plans.
June-July 2013
Finalize survey questionnaires for WP5. Inventory of available static data from NHQ and collect data and all available materials. Setup ftp server and upload data and materials on it.
May 2013
Field survey to study sites by WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 teams
March 2013
A delegation from RUC travels to HUS to discuss the implementation of the project, to finalize 1) the data needed for all work packages (WPs); 2) database for GPIS; 3) questionnaire and field survey plans; and 4) expected scientific articles to be submitted.
Jan. & Feb. 2013
Two additional field works were carried out by the HUS team in order to finally define three communes as project pilot sites, namely Hung Nhan commune (located outside the damp in Hung Nguyen district, Nghe An province), Yen Ho commune (located inside the damp in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh), Vo Ninh commune (Quang Ninh district, Quang Binh). Meetings with heads of local authorities (provincial, district, and commune levels) were also arranged and all committed to collaborate with the project.
December 2012
- The project kickoff workshop was held on 04 December 2012 in HUS with attendance of delegations from HUS, Vietnam National University (VNU), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Danish partners (RUC). At the workshop, general information of the project was introduced by the project coordinator, followed speeches of representatives of HUS, VNU and RUC. The workshop continued with discussion between HUS and RUC for how to efficiently coordinate activities and communicate.
- After the kickoff workshop, the working teams, including researchers from HUS and RUC, traveled on a field trip to the three provinces (Ha Tinh, Nghe An and Quang Binh) to preliminarily have overview of the study sites and to meet local authorities as well as to talk with local people. During the survey, a mechanism for cooperation between all stakeholders (scientists, local authorities and communities) has been set up that each will contribute to all activities.
November 2012
Establishment of the Project Management Board (PMB) by HUS