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Danh mục Sách Tham Khảo KTTV-HDH
- 3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres (A. Marshak A.B. Davis)
- A History of the Science and Politics of Climate Change - B. Bolin (Cambridge, 2007)
- Adaptive Atmospheric Modeling
- Adaptive and Integrated Water Management
- Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change
- Advancing the Science of Climate Change
- Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices
- Aerosol Optics
- Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation
- An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics - A. Tsonis (Cambridge, 2007)
- An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology -JAMES R. HOLTON- 4th Edition
- An Introduction to Programming in Fotran 90
- Assessing Climate Change
- Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
- Assessment of Intraseasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction and Predictability
- Atmosphere Weather and Climate 8th ed - R Barry R Chorley - Routledge 2003
- Atmosphere and Climate
- Atmospheric Aerosol Properties
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows
- Atmospheric Boundary Layers
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2nd ed - J. Seinfeld, S. Pandis (Wiley, 2006)
- Atmospheric Modeling, Assmilation and Predictibility
- Atmospheric Science - An Introductory Survey - J. Wallace, P. Hobbs (Elsevier, 2006)
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Mesoscale Processes
- Basics of Fluid Mechanics and Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Basics of Geomatics
- Circulation_Weather_Types_as_a_Tool_in_Atmospheric_Climate_and_Environmental_Research
- Climate Change - Environment and History of the Near East
- Climate Change and Crops
- Climate Economics - The State of the Art
- Climate Models - An Assessment of Strengths and Limitations
- Climate Prediction and Agriculture
- Climate Variability Predictability and Climate Risks
- Climate Variability and Extremes during the Past 100 Years
- Climate_Modelling_Primer
- Data Assimilation for Atmospheric Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications
- Drought Assessment
- Dynamics of the Atmosphere - A COURSE IN THEORETICAL METEOROLOGY
- Empirical Methods in Short-Term Climate Prediction
- Encyclopedia of World Climatology
- Encyclopedia of physical sci.and tech.(3ed., Elsevier, 2001) - Atmospheric science(395s)
- Engineering - Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Essentials of Meteorology
- Extreme Events in Nature and Society
- Extreme Value Theory
- Extreme Weather
- Extreme_Weather_Confronting_Global_Warming
- Forecast Verification - A Practitioners Guide in Atmospheric Science
- Forecast_Verification_A_Practitioner
- Fortran 90 - Handbook
- FROM OBSERVATIONS TO SIMULATIONS-A Conceptual Introduction to Weather and Climate Modelling
- Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Fundamentals of Hydrology 2nd ed - T. Davie (Routledge, 2002)
- Fundamentals of Statistics I - Lecture Notes
- Generalized Extreme Value
- Giao trinh FORTRAN - 12 - 2005 - A4
- Global Change and the Earth System
- Global Climatology and Ecodynamics
- Global Physical Climatology
- Handbook of weather climate and water- Chemistry hydrology and societal impacts
- High Resolution Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere and Ocean
- Human Impacts on Weather and Climate 2nd ed - W. Cotton, R. Pielke (Cambridge, 2007)
- Hydrological Modelling and the Water Cycle
- Hydrology_and_hydroclimatology_ principles_and_applications_CRC_Press_2013
- Increasing Climate Variability and Change
- Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change
- Intel Fortran Language Reference
- Intel Fortran Programmer’s Reference
- Intraseasonal Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate System
- MM5 Discription - 1995
- MM5 Source Code Documentation
- Managing Weather and Climate Risks in Agriculture
- Medium-Range Weather Prediction
- Meteorology - Slideshow
- Meteorology Demystified - A.Self-Teaching Guide McGraw Hill.2006
- Natural Disasters and Extreme Events in Agriculture
- Next generation Earth System prediction - Strategies for subseasonal to seasonal forecasts
- Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 Second Edition
- Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77
- Physics_of_Climate
- Preliminary Consolidated Report on Effect of Climate Change on Water Resources
- Probability and Its Applications
- Regional Climate Studies of China
- Seasonal Climate - Forecasting and Managing Risk
- Seasonal Forecasts Climatic Change and Human Health
- Seasonal Forecast Verification in the Pacific using a coupled model POAMA and the statistical model SCOPIC
- Solar Activity and Earths Climate
- Solar Variability and Planetary Climates
- Spatial_Data_Analysis_Theory_and_Practice
- Statistical_Analysis_in_Climate_Research
- Statistical in Hydrology
- Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences, D. Wilks (2ed., IGS 91, Elsevier, 2006)
- Statistics and Data Analysis For Behavioral Sciences - Dana S Dunn
- The Asian Monsoon - Bin Wang
- The Earths Atmosphere
- The Monsoons and Climate Change - Observations and Modeling
- Tropical Meteorology
- Tropical_Cyclone
- Understanding Weather and Climate (Vietnamese)
- Understanding Climate Change Feedbacks
- Univariate Time Series in Geosciences
- Vegetation-Climate Interaction
- Verification of operational seasonal forecasts at SEEVCCC - G Pejanovic
- Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate